Spoilers of Born of the Gods
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on Jan. 12, 2014, 6:09 p.m. by sadiuh
Several cards have been spoiled, here is a website that has them. http://mythicspoiler.com/
Which one of the prerelease promos do you think will do best? Id say the blue one because every upkeep its like an amped up domri rade affect. Do you think any will see standard play?
I really don't like any of them. Only a small handful of 7-drop creatures have been played regularly in Standard over the past several years, most notably Angel of Serenity (and only because it gave you Thragtusk and Restoration Angel back), Angel of Glory's Rise (only because it was part of a combo), and Craterhoof Behemoth (because you could reanimate it and kill your opponent with Lingering Souls . 7-drops and higher-cost creatures need to immediately either win you the game or save it for you.
For 6, that still mostly holds true. For 4 of the 5 creatures spoiled, they don't do anything but sit and give your opponent a turn or 2 to deal with them. For the Green one, it gives your opponent the choice which is never going to make for a great card. If your opponent has no creatures, it's a 6/6 do-nothing for 6 (and Kindercatch was never quite good enough for Standard). If your opponent does control a creature they want to keep, that creature's probably going to do something to it or your opponent can just kill it with a spell.
Aside from the lands, maybe Springleaf Drum and maybe Kiora, the Crashing Wave , I haven't seen anything I predict being good in Standard yet.
January 12, 2014 6:41 p.m.
Being Black already has some sort of protection from creature removal. and same with TS, i'm also liking the blue one
January 12, 2014 6:45 p.m.
I think people should be cautious about how they just dismiss a card because of it's converted casting cost. Since Theros originally started getting spoiled all the talk has been about how wizards wants to slow the format down and steer things towards mono colored decks. One really good way to do that is by raising the casting cost of cards. Take Time Ebb and Griptide for example, they're the same card but one is inherently better because it cost less. But, when rotation comes around does that mean Griptide will still be bad, no not necessarily, because if they're raising the cost of everything then things will continue to slow down meaning having to pay one more mana for Time Ebb doesn't really put you behind. If the format continues to slow down like we've been hearing for half a year now then some of those cards you call over-costed might just become the standed for "card power" in a 5 or 6 drop.
January 12, 2014 7:34 p.m.
yeah wizards did talk about slowing the meta. and what did we have for the first month? a bunch of grand prixs dominated by MUD mirror matches. i'll admit it has diversified quite a bit, but i still can't get over how easily mono-U took control
January 12, 2014 7:39 p.m.
abenz419: That's an awful example. Griptide is Instant; that's why it costs more than Time Ebb .
7 mana has always been a lot of mana and always will be. Am I wrong in assuming a spell should do a lot for 7 mana?
A 7-drop creature that does nothing until the following turn when it attacks is not going to be played in Standard. End of story.
January 12, 2014 8:01 p.m.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #8
Let's be honest here, none of those 5 cards are supposed to be playable in Standard. When has a prerelease/intro deck rare ever been tournament-quality? They are often beastly in Draft and/or Sealed play, but almost never viable in Constructed formats.
I expect all 5 of the intro pack rares to be strong at the prerelease, but I am the most impressed by the Dragon and Devastator. The Dragon facilitates a hard-and-heavy strategy, and the Devastator is just plain sweet.
Side note: The Devastator is awesome when paired with effects like Flesh / Blood (Blood).
tman007 says... #2
I honestly don't think any of them will do well because all but the black one have no evasion from removal and the black one costs way too much.
January 12, 2014 6:27 p.m.