Unfinity update
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on July 25, 2022, 9 a.m. by Coward_Token
"The majority, but not all, of the cards that can sticker or care about stickers are eternal playable (usable in Commander, Legacy, and Vintage)."
Also you randomly pick three out of ten "sticker sheets" before each game. So uh I guess all those Vintage tournaments will have people shufling sticker sheets just to not give anything away eh?
Magar seems pretty fun. Could have easily been izzet but hey rakdos spellslinger. Gogo double strike (or just extra combat spell cards).
Far Out: I wonder if the "may" lets you do no modes for Demonic Pact? (Also, I made this a while back and thought it might have been too much... Quantum Mechanism)
Coward_Token says... #3
I feel like the random nature of the sheets will make it hard to incorporate them in deck strategies. Probably the best for Voltron EDH decks since stickers persist between visibile zones in a Skullbriar, the Walking Grave-esque fashion.
July 25, 2022 2:11 p.m.
Their reasoning for Far Out not being eternal is for cards like Outlaws' Merriment, which makes a SINGLE creature with an option between three different stat lines. Choosing all three options would make a single creature with three sets of P/T.
Personally, I hate the stickers (outside of limited, for limited it sounds like exactly what you want from an un-set). I don't think un-sets should be eternal legal.
July 25, 2022 7:16 p.m.
Coward_Token says... #5
Good catch, I'm not very good at noticing acorn stamps ._.
You'd think they could just make a rule for handling mutually exclusive modes but w/e
July 26, 2022 1:31 a.m.
My real complaint about stickers is extremely personal, which is that I wanted to make a silly cube combining silver-bordered cards, playtest cards, die-rolling cards, and things that are funny on theme. So I was kind of hoping for things that play well with Unstable mechanics or themes and less new mechanics that are going to be hard to support outside of a set cube.
My other conflicted feelings is that I love silver-bordered cards. I thought Unstable was an incredibly fun draft format. I absolutely never needed them to be eternal legal. It's just odd to me that as people discuss whether the future of Magic is casual, casual Magic isn't allowed to exist. You could always run silver-bordered cards in Commander, you just needed to ask. It may not be their focus, but I don't think that Wizards has no thoughts about Legacy or Vintage as they're designing cards, and things needing to be legal and appropriate for those formats will effect the designs and I worry that they'll limit how unique things could be. And it introduces issues with things like Far Out where the card can't be eternal legal, but probably the majority of people who'd want to use it won't run into situations that make it not legal and won't get why it's illegal. Or, y'know, if you've had the Rule Zero conversation you could just go "We'll say it makes three tokens off of Outlaw's Merriment."
My feelings about Unfinity are still extremely mixed, I guess.
On the plus side I did figure out why stickers are legal in Legacy: Because "legacy" style board games have you apply stickers to game pieces, so the Legacy format can't be a legacy game without stickers. Unfinity is just correcting this mistake.
July 26, 2022 4:22 p.m.
golgarigirl says... #7
I liked the aesthetic of silver-bordered cards, and it was so easy to tell what was commander/eternal legal. Plus the idea of putting stickers on my cards... just no thank you. This design simultaneously feels overcomplicated and lazy.
August 16, 2022 1:28 p.m.
I'm not liking this set at all for having cards legal in Eternal formats, while not having silver borders on cards that aren't. I also agree with golgarigirl...I'm not putting stickers on my cards (I'd put them on sleeves if I had to). Then there's cards like this:
....that are just bullshit and really aren't well-thought out. Just what Shop decks need....a 4/4 they can cast turn one off Mishra's Workshop. You can follow it up turn two with Phyrexian Revoker to pay the crew cost. It really feels like they didn't think a whole lot about the implications of including these cards in sanctioned formats.
September 23, 2022 8:18 p.m.
DeinoStinkus says... #9
Yeah. I like the un part of this set but the eternal legal cards make me physically ill. Space Beleren is already giving me headaches, Clown Car is as already said just plain obscene, and stickers are possibly the worst idea for eternal ever besides maybe (maybe!) Lurrus of the Dream-Den.
I wish I could enjoy this spoiler season. I really do. It's such a fun and goofy design. But I've spent most of it anxiously looking at the eternal legal cards and worrying.
September 23, 2022 10:05 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #10
throws hands up and exclaims expletives
September 23, 2022 10:46 p.m.
Coward_Token says... #11
I kinda hate that Strength-Testing Hammer is a decent voltron card advantage source even though it's still quite random. Average +3.5 power isn't bad either.
Infect sticker costs 3 tickets
September 27, 2022 3:36 p.m.
So with the full set released I think I've got some fuller thoughts.
I didn't have a problem with Unstable having cards like Amateur Auteur and Beast in Show where the design is a normal Magic card but the flavor of the card is funny. It felt like the draft environment was "real" but overall feeling was funny. I also felt as though there was a good mix of "simple" cards to "complex" cards where Unfinity seems to lean harder into "complex" with how high the average wordcount appears to be.
I'm not wild about stickers and attractions for the Limited environment, but that may just be a personal thing. Attractions are probably less mental work to keep up with than Contraptions were. I was just hoping that Unstable mechanics would come back to help flesh out a cube. I also can't say that I'm a huge fan of the number of manual dexterity cards there are in this set (Plate Spinning, Form of the Approach of the Second Sun) since they strike me as being somewhat ableist and I do not like that. Like do anything else but require dexterity and I would love Form of the Approach of the Second Sun.
As it stands I'm probably going to be getting the less-parasitic cards to finally finish out my Silly Cards cube but I don't know if I'll be in a rush to draft this set as much as I drafted Unstable.
If I want to put the shocklands into the Silly Cube does it need to be the space shocks? Guess I need to try to catch all of those as soon as they hit the Opened Product Slump.
September 29, 2022 2:55 p.m.
....so can you effectively "counter" Form of the Approach of the Second Sun by turning on a big fan?
Delphen7 says... #2
Sticker Sheets: I'm not super excited about them, but the infect sticker will make things interesting.
Magar: I just noticed the creature he makes does not disappear after dealing damage. Any extra combat spell will essentially go infinite. His ability is instant speed too, so you can wait until the opponent taps out, discard an extra combat spell, creaturify it, then go wild.
Far Out: I think the may is making it optional to change to choose one or more modes instead of what the card itself says to choose, not saying you may choose no modes at all.
"Rather than choose the indicated modes... you may choose one or more instead"
I think this could've easily been constructed legal. It does nothing on its own, and doesn't break the game more than stickers
July 25, 2022 12:48 p.m.