When will the Great One return?

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on April 10, 2016, 5:54 p.m. by DarkMagician

Any ideas when Bolas might return?

seuvius says... #2


April 10, 2016 5:56 p.m.

DarkMagician says... #3

I wish

April 10, 2016 5:59 p.m.

Dylan says... #4

He's currently at the strip club, Maybe tmrw night

April 10, 2016 6:06 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #5

Storm Crow

Make sure to link any cards you want to start a post about.

April 10, 2016 6:28 p.m.

The moments when I wish we could upvote posts.

April 10, 2016 6:58 p.m.

EmblemMan says... #7

Bolas is a beotch

April 10, 2016 8:39 p.m.

CuteSnail says... #8

There lots of speculation the the great one is already here. To be fair there ARE many signs if the Lovecraftian Horror on Innistrad.

April 10, 2016 11:42 p.m.

seuvius says... #9

I very highly doubt that bolas is on innistrad

April 10, 2016 11:46 p.m.

eeriekiller says... #10

On the one hand, Bolas probs won't end up on Innistrad. On the other, there's a chance. There are points to both.

First off, he's very controlling, so taking over the mind of avacyn is a very "Bolas" thing to do. However, what would be his motive? He generally works for himself to better his power and become the ultimate being in the multiverse. There's no real resource for him on Innistrad. Another theory is that Nahiri and Tibalt are in kahoots. Nahiri is out for sorin because he didn't show up on Zandikar and taking control of the angel that he created is the ultimate revenge on top of ripping apart his home. At the same time, Nahiri built a contraption that looks like it's summoning Emrakuul to the plane with her big contraption that Jace found.

tl;dr: Bolas has a slim chance to show up as the main antagonist in kahoots with Nahiri, but in all reality Nahiri is throwing a hissy fit

April 11, 2016 11:23 a.m.

CuteSnail says... #11

To clarify, Emrakul is the great one mention in my previous post, Not Bolas. Lovecraft has great ones and old ones. Emrakul fits the bill.

April 11, 2016 11:40 a.m.

seuvius says... #12

Oh ok,makes sense. Also, necropolis is such a badass name!

April 11, 2016 2:31 p.m.

seuvius says... #13


April 11, 2016 2:31 p.m.

00xtremeninja says... #14

Thought we were talking about Gretzky

April 11, 2016 11:26 p.m.

Atony1400 says... #15

Watch, Bolas will come fight against Emrakul if he shows.

April 12, 2016 10:21 a.m.

Rayenous says... #16

"When will the Great One return?"

I haven't left.

"Any ideas when Bolas might return?"

Who cares? I'm still here, that's all that matters.

April 12, 2016 10:50 a.m. Edited.

Bovine073 says... #17

Erm, I'm worried about Lord Cthulhu... I mean Marit Lage (Dark Depths).

I mean it seriously looks like it in the freakin' background of Engulf the Shore. The flavor text, too. Anyways, all hail Lord Cthulhu.

April 12, 2016 3:16 p.m.

This discussion has been closed