Why does Wizards hate black so much?
Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum
Posted on Nov. 27, 2014, 3:47 p.m. by Psychonautical
(DISCLAIMER: This is a long rant that I have to get out. Frankly, I am not looking for any of you to be condescending or anything as none of this is to any of you, and I also don't care for you to read the heading and one or two lines and comment. If you want to be a part of this discussion, I ask you at least take the minute or two it takes to read all of this so you know what I am saying here.)
So ever since learning of MTG about a decade or so ago, I have had a strange infatuation with Black as a color. I always liked many of the effects the cards had, and the art is arguably the best on black cards.
However, as I have grown, gotten iser and better and playing and deck building, I noticed something very peculiar about the game...
Guys... Wizards RnD HATES Black.
Seriously. I mean, in all tournament play and even in casual, there is the old addage of blue being damn-near impossible to play against with its plethora of counters and numerous spells that, flavor-wise, REALLY need to be Sorceries instead of Instants.
But it goes way beyond that. I understand that each color sort of a has a theme and general play style. I understand that white, representing order, is going to exemplify humans the most, and humans being generally weak but organized, will offer the best 1-2 drops in general as far as creatures go.
But black doesn't seem to get a really consistent "best" of anything. Best answers/control go to blue, best weenies go to white, best fatties go to green, the fastest creatures go to red, and black... well hell, what exactly does black get?
And before you all scream, "NECROPOTENCE/PHYREXIAN OBLITERATOR!" yeah, I get that. But those are TWO extreme examples. How many "WTF that is a lot of power for one card at its mana cost" do the other colors have? I am thinking of Bonfire of the Damned and EVERY other miracle card (of which black has NONE), Baneslayer and a bunch of other Angels, Snapcaster mage and the Inquisitor Exarch's use with Splinter Twin (neither of those Black) and green with its near unfair mana-ramp and ridiculous creatures.
And I know many of you are thinking, "U mad bro LOL?" But no, I'm not mad. And I win plenty of games with my black design, but never as many as I SHOULD if the supposed brokenness of some of the cards are to be believed (you bet your arse I run foud Obliterators. What else am I to do?)
And it goes way beyond just Black sometimes having the no consistent advantages in its color (other than perhaps discard, a strategy that runs out of steam faster than burn since NO discard cards except for Surgical Extraction are instants and hands empty quick if you aren't playing blue.)
Like the Miracle mechanic. Okay, I get it, the theme of Innistrad evil taking over, and the last set was about the light restoring order, so I can see why they'd avoid any black "miracles."
But look at another keyword from the block: Undying. Undying is so obviously a black keyword that the very card that instantly grants it to any creature is the word followed by the word "EVIL." Undying. Evil.
And what does Wizard's do? They IMMEDIATELY make the BEST Undying creature green. Strangleroot Geist is a million times better than every other Undying Creature for its cost.
Hell, they even went as far as to make the best one-drop (ahem, ONLY one-drop) with it green. Young Wolf, while not quite as tribal as Butcher Ghoul, is still a whole mana cheaper. And for what? You couldn't give black, say, a 1/1 Undying Horror, Spirit, or Elemental even?
And take the block before Innistrad. What was the biggest keyword from it? Infect. Again, so OBNOXIOUSLY a black keyword, and what happens?
That's right. The best Infect creatures are f-ing Green and Blue. The Infect lord is black, as is the strongest and rarest Infect card, but Wizard's, full-knowing that Infect essentially says, "Hey, build your deck around this word and its like the opponent starts with ten life instead of twenty," went and made the black Infect creatures WAY too slow to bother with.
But my BIGGEST gripe isn't necessarily the presence of superior cards in other colors so much as the lack in one department: Planeswalkers.
What the hell guys? Why don't we get Planeswalkers?!
Blue has SO many Jace's for card advantage out the wazoo, but then, hey, let's give them a ridiculous blue Planeswalker to help artifacts. And you know what? Tamio, too, for MORE card advantage.
Green, while mainly Garruk, gets... well, Garruk, but then they have Nissa, and green is splashed with several other colors.
Don't even get me STARTED on how many White planeswalkers there are! Ajanai, Gideon, Elspeth, Nahiri, with about sixty different versions of each.
And red only has a few, but damn are they t least useful if costed well. Sarkahn, Chandra, even that dude from Romeo and Juliet makes up for his underhwelming power with an affordable mana cost.
Before I continue, here's the Planeswalker count per color:
Red (mono) - 7Red (splash) - 8Red (all) - 15
Green (mono) - 6Green (splash) - 7Green (all) - 13
Blue (mono) - 7Blue (splash) - 6Blue (all) - 13
White (mono) - 9!!!White (splash) - 5White (all) - 14
Black (mono) - 4!!! As in one, two, three FOUR!Black (splash) - 8Black (all) - 12
And Karn, who, while accessible to all colors, is also tied for the most expensive Planeswalker next to some incarnation of Garruk, and is thus not very viable in one of the slowest colors.
So what do we have in the way of Planeswalkers for black? Four near-useless cards, and one that is so overrated that other Planeswalkers laugh about it when it leaves the room.
Sorin Markov himself is so trash. At 6 CMC, his first ability is meh as 2 life each way is barely an advantage at that point in the game, and his second ability is ONLY useful if you yourself are at less than 7 life, as any opponent should be past or too close to ten to bother, and you'd gain 2 life with his first ability anyways. You wouldn't even get to use his ultimate because either A) by the time you got there, your opponent should be long gone, or at least have so little to do as far as their own cards go that "controlling your opponent for the next turn" may as well read, "Take an extra turn after this one. Your opponent draws a card." or B) before he go to 7, YOU would be long gone because if you haven't at at least stopped your opponents strategy in their tracks by turn 7, your deck is garbage and they are gonna win.
The next CMC down is the 5 CMC, Liliana Vess, is a shame because she seems useful but again, its too little too late. For 5 CMC, you get the advantage of causing opponent's-choice discard likely while they are already topdecking anyways, or you can suspend a Diabolic Tutor, except you also blow a draw step.
Next up, another Liliana, this one from the Dark Realms. At 4 CMC, she is at least somewhat easier to cast, yet more useless than her 5 CMC version. She has arguably the best removal of any Planeswalker, but comes with the huge drawback of only getting to use it a single time if you need it the same turn you cast her. Her first ability can at least be useful to thin out decks, but at the same time, I don't know about you guys, but I always ever only needed 4 lands to make a black deck work, so getting an extra one when I should draw one anyways is so so on the way to using her for what I really want. And her ultimate? quadruple mana? For WHAT?! On turn NINE, I get to attack with any creature I have killed or let die on my own IF my opponents hasn't exiled it first, such as with Treasure Cruise. SNORE.
And then there is the best Planeswalker that Wizard's could drum up for us, and honestly, I am not that impressed.
I don't know why every freaks out about her. For her cost and longevity, I'd rather just sideboard some Geth's Verdicts or other removal OR some hand destruction cards that LET ME PICK. I can't believe that so many cards get trashed for having an effect that let's your opponent pick, yet this gal has THREE and somehow sees tournament play.
Plus, in a Modern (and standard back when it was in) meta where there is (what seems like) a 30% chance that your opponent with have a Loxodon Smiter or Obstinate Baloth, you are often doing them a HUGE favor by racking up her Loyalty.
And then her other effect? A Geth's Verdict without the life loss? That's ONLY useful if they have a REALLY dangerous creature out and NOTHING ELSE. WHY IS SHE SO POPULAR?!
So do you folks get my point? There is a CLEAR favoritism going on with Blue, white, and to a lesser extent Green with Red sort of being left out but not nearly as much as black. At least Red gets you somewhere and counterspells in Blue can be useful the whole game as sometimes players cast from other places if they have no cards.
But blacks specialty of hand disruption fades REALLY quick, and is really only useful if you dedicate a huge chunk of your slots to it if not build your whole deck around it, at which point you dead-draw into discard spells when your opponent's hand is empty and the only option is to mainboard a few Pack Rats just in case.
If anyone reading this works at Wizards, or knows someone who does, tell them that its time for a REAL Black block. Not one that teases us with black abilities only to see those abilities work better in other colors. Not one that offers ONE Planeswalker here and there that still pales in comparison to every other color.
No. Its OUR turn. Its time for Black Mages to have our day (or night). We have Necropotence, Phyrexian Obliterator, Surgical Extraction and Bob. That's not good enough when blue and white dominate with their Snapcaster Mages and Angels, respectively.
Rant over.
Schuesseled says... #2
@Spootyone things like reprinting the fetchlands in Khans and printing things like Scavenging Ooze which was originally unplayable in the format.
You were playing the wrong deck it went very well with my undying aggro deck, sent me from struggling to beat sup.verdict clone decks to laughing madly at them. For a month.
November 27, 2014 8:50 p.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #3
Black doesn't necessarily have no specialty. They get the best creature removal, they get hand disruption (which is really important. Not to mention their are modern decks built around those effects). They also get a pseudo-burn by draining opponents, and they have the ability to pay life to draw cards. All of this makes them pretty solid. in fact, the only thing black cant do is remove artifacts or enchantments. Just because you don't like Liliana of the Veil doesn't mean she isn't good. She is arguably the second best planeswalker in the game. Have you ever played with her? in a resource intensive game, she grinds down your opponents while providing an edict when they land something. Seriously, watch a game of legacy punishing jund and you will understand. At one point modern jund was the same way (admittedly, Treasure Cruise has made the attrition game more difficult). But look at the control decks of standard. U/B control (which would be difficult to play without Thoughtseize, Hero's Downfall, etc.), Esper control (which just got 2nd at SCG Rich) and I personally play Grixis control. Again, black is very powerful. We should also mention Mono Black Devotion, which DOMINATED RtR/Theros standard. Not to mention any 2 or more color card with black has basically been awesome. Golgari Charm, Deathrite Shaman, Abrupt Decay, Blightning, Slaughter Games all come to mind right away.
November 27, 2014 9:06 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #4
Black is the best colour at killing creatures. It's the best colour for tutors. It's the best colour at letting you play around with your graveyard. It has the second best card draw behind blue. It has the second best ramp behind green. It lets you pay life for gross benefits.
I don't think Wizards hates black at all...
November 27, 2014 9:54 p.m.
@CastleSiege - When you say black has the second best ramp...which cards are you referring to? I'm familiar with Nirkana Revenant, Dark Ritual, and Crypt Ghast...as well as LiliRealms, but what others are you referring to other than that? To clarify, this is not an attack, but an actual interest of mine...black is my preferred color...and this, in my mind has always been a weak point. Also to clarify...I do not include cards with abilities and drawbacks such as Heartless Summoning or even my boy Rakdos, Lord of Riots...exclusively RAMP abilities...
November 27, 2014 10:03 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #6
@ Scytec - Just the ones I can name off the top of my head:
Crypt Ghast, Nirkana Revenant, Dark Ritual, Sacrifice, Culling the Weak, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth + Cabal Coffers/Magus of the Coffers, Heartless Summoning, Jet Medallion, Liliana of the Dark Realms (mainly for EDH), Lake of the Dead (works great with Crucible of Worlds, also may as well throw in all the black fetch lands if you're using Crucible), Phyrexian Tower, Bubbling Muck, Soldevi Adnate.
Don't forget that black has the best/most tutors to help you get your ramp cards if needed.
You'll also notice that a few of these give drawbacks such as sacrificing creatures and the like. If you're playing black you shouldn't care too much about that since you can reanimate them :P
November 27, 2014 10:13 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #7
And ramp is a weak point in every colour besides green. I agree with you there. All I said is that black has the best ramp second to green, unless someone proves me otherwise. I know red has some ramp spells but I'm not sure how many and I know a few of them are banned in modern.
November 27, 2014 10:15 p.m.
Wow. Thank you!!! Many of these cards I was unaware of. That is awesome!! And I don't mind paying the costs at all. I just meant I wanted cards to boost mana, not make things cheaper. That is awesome. I've been trying to think of a good way to ramp into extreme fatties or something like Killing Wave for 50. :p so far the most mana I've had access to on one turn was 26. It was turn 8 pre-rotation standard in a deck with Crypt Ghast and LiliRealms. It was great fun. Haha. Been trying to take it modern...but was having a hard time with the consistency.
November 27, 2014 10:25 p.m.
PreZchoICE1 says... #10
Scytec to expand on a previous point with fetchlands and crucible of worlds- my friend runs a mono black EDH deck with the black fetchlands, crucible, Rings of Brighthearth and Expedition Map. I suppose you could do this in any given color though. :)
November 27, 2014 10:35 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #11
Yeah, Rings of Brighthearth is gross with fetchlands xD
November 27, 2014 10:43 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #12
Black follows the classic 'Quality over quantity' rule.
Sure, black has a LOT of absolutely rubbish cards, but when a black card is good, it's usually format defining. Bob, Liliana, and Abrupt Decay changed modern so much. In legacy, storm is a near broken deck because of how good the cards are, like Ad Nauseum and Tendrils.
Yes, you can give examples of amazing cards, but that is what black is about. A heap of unplayable bulk, and not nearly as many overpowered and borderline broken cards.
November 27, 2014 11:09 p.m.
BlastercoolWeird says... #13
I'm a more than a little bitter about people whining about black not getting love when looking at typical black decks they include discard, control, combo, and even aggro without much difficulty while red gets to be...aggro and burn. that's it. just the stupid "punch you" deck.
Red is easily the worst color in commander because it doesn't do anything past aggro. it's card draw is mediocre, it's removal never just gets to KILL a thing. It's creatures are primarily small and shitty barring the occasional dragon that is actually cheap enough to play.
Oh but I don't get to complain because Tibalt is cheap and red got a few miracles. GREAT. COOL.
November 27, 2014 11:30 p.m.
PreZchoICE1 says... #14
JexInfinite Bob predates the modern format by about 6 years. Liliana of the Veil was printed just 6 months after the creation of the Modern format, and the format was hardly defined at the time she was printed. Decay did have an immediate impact on Modern, so I cant dispute your point there.
I dunno how much legacy you've played but storm is actually an extremely difficult deck to pilot with any sort of consistency (at least the last time I took it for a spin it was, just a few short months ago over the summer) and given the choice I'd rather play something more linear like Miracle Control, Elves, or Death and Taxes.
November 27, 2014 11:41 p.m.
Outside of Birds of Paradise, Green doesn't even have good flying creature. Your argument is invalid. The game of magic is structured this way, ie, for each colour to have certain attributes, draw-backs and advantages. This is also why making competetive mono-coloured decks have the oddds stacked against them.
...Unless the deck is Blue. Or Red. ;)
November 28, 2014 1:11 a.m.
shinobigarth says... #16
yeah i'd sort of have to disagree and say black really kind of has the best of everything. it doesnt necessarily do anything the best, except maybe removal, but it can do just about everything at least decently enough as someone pointed out.
blue does get a lot of really annoying things, but thats because it mostly just gives you more cards and stops your opponent from doing what they want. black reanimator at least just laughs at blue's feeble attempt to win by countering its creatures. looking at Phyrexian Obliterator its easy to see black just sort of says, I'm gonna butt rape you while I'm butt raping you.
November 28, 2014 1:28 a.m.
CrazyLittleGuy says... #17
Control+F - Yawgmoth's Will.
One result across four pages.
Okay seriously, play with Yawgmoth's Will. I know that "yeah but this one card" isn't really a legitimate argument, but other people have made enough legitimate arguments to cover for me. YawgWill does the most broken things of any card in the history of the game. Watch some Vintage videos or something and see it in action.
November 28, 2014 2:14 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #18
PreZchoICE1 Bob and Liliana are format defining cards. Anything worth that much money costs that for a reason. Those cards are super good.
Just because storm is hard to play, doesn't make it bad. It's really good. Obviously, D&T is a better deck, because #WhiteWeenies, but storm is still good and viable.
There are so many really good black cards which are splash worthy, like discard spells, and bombs like Phyrexian Obliterator.
November 28, 2014 2:51 a.m.
@BlastercoolWeird: I'm actually of the opinion that White is weaker than Red in EDH. Red's CA is indeed mediocre, but White doesn't have any at all. Red has ramp, white doesn't. Red has combos, white doesn't. White is supposed to win a couple big keyword creatures or an asston of tokens. It's just not good on its own in that format.
November 28, 2014 3:18 a.m.
Fulcrum - that's just completely false. White is really strong in EDH.
It has control cards like Swords to Plowshares and Wrath of God.
It doesn't strictly have ramp but has fixing like Land Tax, Kor Cartographer, Knight of the White Orchid and more.
White has some of the most busted combos in the game like Karmic Guide + Reveillark or Fiend Hunter + Sun Titan . These win games on the spot with Altar of Dementia or Blasting Station.
White also has some card advantage with Mentor of the Meek, Stonehewer Giant, Mesa Enchantress, Three Dreams etc.
It's definitely more powerful than red. The control options are more flexible, and the card advantage / tutors are better making it more consistent and easier to play defensively.
November 28, 2014 3:35 a.m.
@ChiefBell: I stand corrected. Though I still stand by White's weak card draw. Decent tutoring, but its actual card draw is weaker than Red.
November 28, 2014 3:45 a.m.
Fulcrum: Don't make all my Selesnya EDH builds sad :( Sigarda will be very upset with you! And Karametra will sit on you with dat phat ass!
November 28, 2014 4:29 a.m.
biggestmtgnerd says... #23
Someone disagrees
November 28, 2014 5:52 a.m.
IAmKingTony says... #24
As someone who almost always plays mono-white I can attest that the card draw is actually pretty terrible. Mentor of the Meek is a thing but is counteracted by another one of white's assets which is access to the most/best anthems. Put one Honor of the Pure down and suddenly Mentor doesn't even trigger from a 2/1 anymore.
The only real card draw available is via artifacts and that's usually at a terrible rate.
November 28, 2014 6:17 a.m.
Yeah, I can never decide what I like better. Black or blue.
Sew much want.
November 28, 2014 9:09 a.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #27
I find the irony in this post to be astounding, specifically after a full year of Mono Black Devotion basically running standard.
November 28, 2014 10:25 a.m.
slovakattack says... #28
Fulcrum: Problem with mono white in EDH is that it has -everything- in a vacuum. Big dudes? (Avacyn, Akroma, Iona, Elesh Norn...) Check.
Weenies? It's practically in the name. Check.
Spot Removal? (Swords to Plowshares, Path to exile, Oblation, etc.) Check.
Enchantment and Artifact Removal? (Return to Dust, Disenchant, Kor Sanctifiers) Check.
Graveyard hate? (Rest in Peace) Check.
Supporting Cards? (Mother of Runes, Land Tax, Weathered Wayfarer, etc.) Check.
Recursion? (Reveillark, Karmic Guide, Sun Tita) Check.
Boardwipse? I don't even need to provide examples for this one.
Mass land destruction? (Armageddon) Check.
The main issue is that while, yes, White does not have a lot of innate draw, all the -best- draw utilities in EDH are artifacts. You don't need to be blue to have a Sensei's Divining Top or Scroll Rack or Skullclamp in your deck.
November 28, 2014 10:41 a.m.
slovakattack says... #29
Derp, I completely forgot about tutors. White has tutors out the butt. Academy Rector, Enlightened Tutor, Idyllic Tutor, Stoneforge Mystic, Ranger of Eos just to name a few.
November 28, 2014 10:44 a.m.
Black has better tutors though, better card draw, better creatures (you have to dig around a bit though), better removal (can't compete with Swords to Plowshares but aside from that it's pretty much the best), and has better ramp with Crypt Ghast, Cabal Coffers etc.
November 28, 2014 11:17 a.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #33
Removal, removal, removal.
1) Removal
2) Removal
2nd best at card draw, 2nd best at efficient mid-sized creatures.
Also: Removal.
November 28, 2014 11:50 a.m.
Wizards doesn't hate Black.... they hate you, and found out that you play Black.
November 28, 2014 11:57 a.m.
Black also has one of if not the best combo enablers ever: Griselbrand.
November 28, 2014 11:57 a.m.
PreZchoICE1 says... #36
when I was told to check out this thread I fully thought it was going to be about how wizards is secretly run by the KKK and because of this they purposely water down the color black.
After reading and seeing how the thread has developed I now wish that was the case. Lol
November 28, 2014 1:01 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #37
Liliana of the Veil dominates the board single handily. Once u go against one in top deck mode, I doubt you'll ever question her power again.
Black's play style is typically that u pay life to gain advantage. Sometimes this concept seems counterproductive to people.
BTW I didn't read this whole thread and it may have been pointed out already but Funeral Charm is instant speed discard.
November 28, 2014 1:24 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #39
I'd say Dark Confidant Treasure Cruise Keen Sense so yea... Second best without a doubt. ;) Not like blue has Curiosity or Think Twice or Dig Through Time or any assortment of Divination spells. ...or even branches out to Sphinx's Revelation
November 28, 2014 1:58 p.m.
Psychonautical says... #40
So your comments have made me learn a lot, and I have realized the power of Liliana with some play testing against artifact decks that run Emrakul.
But no. I stand by my statement. I have tested various black setups, both homebrewed and copies of tournament-winning decks, only to find that blue, white, or a combination trashes them all, unless they get a really bad draw.
But your comments have helped, and that's just what I was looking for.
and Chiefbell: Literally 9 out of 10 times when I face an opponent who plays white, whether mono or splashed, game two consists of them siding in 4x Leyline of Sanctity to counter my discard spells. This is both casual and at local game shops and games for local entry.
November 28, 2014 2:08 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #41
Not many Modern decks actually board in Leyline of Sanctity, and it really must be a function of your metagame that the card is so widely played.
I will agree that at the moment, Modern is being dominated by blue decks by virtue of powerful delve spells, but when at least one of them is banned you can expect your Jund deck to start doing well again. That is, if you're playing competitive Modern.
November 28, 2014 2:10 p.m.
"But no. I stand by my statement. I have tested various black setups, both homebrewed and copies of tournament-winning decks, only to find that blue, white, or a combination trashes them all, unless they get a really bad draw."
So you play decks that are literally at the top of the game and find they lose to others - even though in extremely high level play this has been proven to not be the case. Methinks the problem is the player, not the deck.
November 28, 2014 2:29 p.m.
SkyRaider42 says... #43
It's the archer not the arrow. Or the pilot not the deck.
November 28, 2014 5:56 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #44
@ChiefBell One could argue that top-level BGx decks do indeed lose to Dig Through Time.
However, the OP's argument that black in particular is getting shafted is just incorrect. It's more that blue is getting lots of good stuff, which is pretty much business as usual. Thank god I now own 14 blue fetchlands. :)
November 28, 2014 6:22 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #45
CastleSiege I'd argue that Tron probably has the best ramp in modern beyond mono green....
lol if only they unban Deathrite Shaman we'll get our Turn 2 Lilly's back :)
Vesper Ghoul & Phyrexian Totem just don't cut it...
November 28, 2014 6:25 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #46
I think he was discussing ramp in the context of Magic's entire history. Dark Ritual and its like are unmatched, and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth isn't really a ramp spell but enables a wide range of spells.
November 28, 2014 6:31 p.m.
SimicPower says... #48
Maybe a little too late, but why is this in SRS?
November 29, 2014 12:25 a.m.
CastleSiege says... #49
MindAblaze!, Green has the third best card draw behind Blue and Black.
APPLE01DOJ Tron is a type of deck in a specific format, it's not colour that spreads through all of Magic. Therefor Black has the second best ramp as a colour overall :P
November 29, 2014 1:31 a.m.
Psychonautical says... #50
I mean I am allowed to have my opinion guys. If anyone here that has thrown Green or Red out into the mix made their own topic stating that opinion, would this be the same reaction from some of you?
I am not saying I am a master player, but I'm way past new. I've played on and off for years, typically a a couple of blocks at a time. I understand there there is always room for improvement. Also, I prefer black, but have played the other colors.
All I am expressing here is that is seems, at the very least, like blue and white are rather OP colors, and while black has some powerful potential, it isn't given nearly the same assortment or options to pick from. Not that it NEVER gets powerful cards, there just seems to be a fairly obvious distaste for black in the RnD room I think compared to other colors.
And I am not sure about the comment that quoted me saying I've tested winning deck builds and in turn said,"So you play decks that are literally at the top of the game and find they lose to others - even though in extremely high level play this has been proven to not be the case."
So, are you saying winning decks tend not to lose? I understand that. I am saying that when I test those colors, they win. When I test black decks, they lose, to a variety of match-ups in various colors, but the scale is skewed heavily in blue/white's of several deck types, and all their cards are often so varied when they aren't copies of tourny decks themselves. I've sen at least 8 or 9 different counterspells used in great decks. When I play black, I see four removal cards. Inquisiton, Thoughtseize, Dismemeber and Doom Blade. Occasional weird selections will pop up extremely rarely, less so that cards with other colors. There are more winning options in blue and white, is what I feel.
At least that is the data I've gathered after many matches against multiple examples with multiple examples. And that's my opinion.
So I appreciate you guys who are chiming in neutrally and adding something constructive about the cards and color at hand, but for those of you who want to be a c about it, you can go f yourself.
Schuesseled says... #1
Agreed with vampirelazarus, there's plenty of great black cards for limited and other formats. You my good man have blinders on.
November 27, 2014 8:40 p.m.