5 Colour CoCo Deck

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 15, 2015, 6:14 a.m. by RedDiomedes

Foremost Savage Mantis

I think I do a fair bit of explaining on the deck page.

My questions and Worries besides just asking for general advice are:

1) Is 5 colours too much?

2) Is Siege Rhino in the deck a mistake

3) I have room for only a few Instants/Sorceries, which should I use

4) Too many legendaries?

Boza says... #2

1/ Yes, those wedge beaters like anafenza and mantis rider are only good if cast on curve, which is nigh on impossible with five colors. Coco mitigates the problem.

2/ Rhino is never a mistake, though two weeks from now it might be.

3/ 4 CoCo and 3-4 Rally the Ancestors, along with 3-4 Temur Ascendancy seems to be the way to go.

4/ Nah.

I would wait for BFZ and remake that deck to include allies.

September 15, 2015 6:46 a.m.

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