Standard Deck Help MTG Forum
Help the URw Spells Deck (Closed)
Need Feedback on W/U Control (Closed)
Feedback (Closed)
My first standard (Closed)
Need help with deck. (Closed)
Looking for advice on standard deck (Closed)
need help with drain deck (Closed)
0 Mana, 11/11 Budget Brew (Closed)
Kaladesh Pre-Release (Closed)
Kaladesh Vehicles and Dwarfs (Closed)
The New Bant Company (Closed)
Help for GP Denver (Closed)
Solving Mirrorwing (Closed)
Need Bant/Kaladesh Advice (Closed)
Does G/W Servos work? (Closed)
UW Control in Kaladesh Viable? (Closed)
post rotation help (Closed)
Could GB combo be a thing? (Closed)
Best cards for Dwarf vehicle deck? (Closed)
Energy Dwarfs/Vehicles? (Closed)
Competitive decks post Kaladesh? (Closed)
Esper gearhulk control (Closed)
$70 Budget Standard (Closed)
Standard deck sideboard help (Closed)
Mono-Red Burn (Closed)
Breaking Dubious Challenge (Closed)
Need help (Closed)
Green/Red Energy Deck (Closed)
Kaladesh Walker Control Deck (Closed)
Deck Help (Closed)
Ever After deck's need lots of work (Closed)
I could use some feedback on my deck (Closed)
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Recently Added
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