Standard Deck Help MTG Forum
Deck plays way too slow (Closed)
Chandra the grixis boss (Closed)
Making Chandra the star. (Closed)
Two PPTQ's this weekend (Closed)
Abzan Midrange (Closed)
What do you think? (Closed)
Dragons Help (Closed)
Help with Budget UR Thopters (Closed)
FNM Budget deck needs help (Closed)
RUG Control - Can it work? (Closed)
Azban aggro help (Closed)
Dusting this off (Closed)
Conduit of Ruin vs Oblivion Sower (Closed)
Help for Next FNM (Closed)
Need help Against Rally (Closed)
Need Help Beating Eldrazi (Closed)
Best 3 Colors For Eldrazi? (Closed)
3-2-1 at pptq (Closed)
Black colorless midrange deck help (Closed)
JUND ELDRAZI for standard!!! (Closed)
Thopter deck help (Closed)
What is the best way to do this? (Closed)
PPTQ Murfreesboro, TN (Closed)
Enchant Control Thoughts and Ideas (Closed)
B/G Sac Help (Closed)
Rakdos Devoid Aggro (Tested) (Closed)
Abzan Card List (Closed)
GB Control Help (Closed)
Nettle Drone Combo help (Closed)
Help with my Equipment Thopter deck (Closed)
Mardu the sleeper (Closed)
Sultai VS Temur (Closed)
Game day deck idea - WIP (Closed)
Trying Control (Closed)
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Recently Added
- What to do against mono black aggro?
- Help Tweaking a Golgari Standard deck
- Wondering if there are any improvements that could be made for this deck
- Deck Help!
- First decks NEO build
- Need help starting a Forgotten Realms Equipment deck
- Help with building a deck in standard?
- Modifying a Rogue Mill Deck to work with Tibalt
- What are some staple (mono) Black sideboards?
- Building a deck for kids