Standard Deck Help MTG Forum
Noyan Control (Closed)
Removed (Closed)
Control question (Closed)
Help Needed Pls (Closed)
Hydra Choices (Closed)
Can control exist without Jace? (Closed)
BFZ RDW Sideboard Cards (Closed)
Can't touch this...(new to mtg) (Closed)
Heroic Bestow: Speed Pauper Deck (Closed)
New to Magic; Building Thopter Deck (Closed)
Esper Control Ideas (Closed)
B/R Dashing deck; Help needed (Closed)
Temur Savagery: Help Refine (Closed)
new to standard (Closed)
"Budget" Bring to Light (Closed)
Golgari tactics help (Closed)
Been gone for a while (Closed)
Help with Temur Standard (Closed)
B/W Tokens (Closed)
Naya or Temur White (Closed)
New deck idea (Abzan Sac Tap) (Closed)
Mardu allies/reanimator sideboard (Closed)
New to MTG, help with deck? (Closed)
Theory crafting u/b eldrazi agro (Closed)
Aggro Eldrazis (Closed)
[Critique Request] Eldrazi U/B Tempo (Closed)
Selesnya or Sultai? (Closed)
B/G Eldrazi Deck? (Closed)
Help with Mardu Recursion (Closed)
Tips for changes to B/R aggro (Closed)
Help w/ red black agro (Closed)
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Recently Added
- What to do against mono black aggro?
- Help Tweaking a Golgari Standard deck
- Wondering if there are any improvements that could be made for this deck
- Deck Help!
- First decks NEO build
- Need help starting a Forgotten Realms Equipment deck
- Help with building a deck in standard?
- Modifying a Rogue Mill Deck to work with Tibalt
- What are some staple (mono) Black sideboards?
- Building a deck for kids