Standard Deck Help MTG Forum
Devotion to Elves (Closed)
Post rotation help (Closed)
R/U Ideas... (Closed)
Rally The Stars (Closed)
Elementals post Rotation idea (Closed)
Need help with B/G/W abzan! (Closed)
Is Mono-Green viable for FNM? (Closed)
Need to choose between 2 Decks! (Closed)
Exiling in sultai (Closed)
State of standard's meta/deck help (Closed)
GR Devotion Help before 5K! (Closed)
Need help with competitive deck (Closed)
Sideboard help with u/w control (Closed)
Temur players help! (Closed)
Deck help, B/R Dragon deck! (Closed)
Is this deck FNM viable? (Closed)
Help with mono red dragons (Closed)
U/w control (Closed)
B/R Nantuko Husk deck help! (Closed)
U/w control (Closed)
Help with BG Elves (Closed)
B/r dash (Closed)
Blue/Black Help Please (Closed)
B/U Dragon control help please! (Closed)
Abzan elves + COCO + Rally (Closed)
Faster G/R Dragons (Closed)
Jeskai Aggro? (Closed)
Help with my mill deck (Closed)
B/r dash (Closed)
5-Color Dragons - Beyond hope? (Closed)
Mono Red Help (Closed)
Need help with my GW deck (Closed)
Any Suggestions? (Closed)
R/W Aggro burn. Need assistance! (Closed)
Help me build my friends first deck? (Closed)
Evolutionary Leap of Abzan? (Closed)
R/W Sideboard help! (Closed)
What power can I add to this deck? (Closed)
Alrighty, Standard Tri-Colour Go. (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- What are some staple (mono) Black sideboards?
- Building a deck for kids