Tribal: Abzan Allies or BW Vampire Allies?

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 29, 2016, 8:27 a.m. by MDT12

There have been a lot of (r)ally and BW lifegain decks going around on this forum, so my guess is that they are: a)pretty good and/or b)really fun to play in the standard format. So I went through my cards and came up with the following (budget) brew:

Abzan Allies Midrange?

I like Veteran Warleader quite a bit, and since I don't have a very good landbase with fetches and all, I put in the Beastcaller Savants for some mana fixing and generating possibly more tempo in the early game. The March from the Tomb does good work later on if you have some Kalastria Healers in the graveyard, as well as Collected Company to get them in there (only have 1 unfortunately). I feel Captain's Claws are really good with the Kalastria Healers and for buffing Veteran Warleader.

I'm just wondering if this would do well in a FNM setting, or to be competitive there I should go all in on the BW lifegain/drain route and put in 2x Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim and 4x Nantuko Husk instead with some B/W removal spells.

MTG_Candy says... #2

Abzan Allies Would Be Nice With An Abzan Drain/Lifegain Route But If You Have Any Throw In Some Siege Rhino's Or Even Some Zulaport Cutthroats, The Cutthroats Would Synergize Nicely With Kalstria Healers And The Kor Tokens And Nantuko Husts

January 29, 2016 10:03 a.m.

allyrallytally says... #3

Check Out my abzan allies deck

January 29, 2016 10:38 a.m.

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