Adding red to Dimir control (need help)
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 8, 2017, 1:41 p.m. by PickleNutz
Dimir Control (Hostage Situation)
deck, Seeking for serious relationship
Committed spells only
First, check out my dimir control deck.
Second, and why this post exists in the first place, I want to add red to the deck.
Heres why!
I want to put in Saheeli Rai to test combos with Hostage Taker. I feel like creatures my copies for a turn for free and being able to use the copies to steal and cast an enemies creatures is just too exciting not to try.
I want to add Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh. He is big, he is a game winner, and honestly I think he looks cool.
So, heres what I need help with.
1.) what do I cut from the current deck?
2.) what should I add in red that would make the deck better?
3.) how do I optimize the lands with the added color?
I will likely make the changes this week and test them with friends but still play the original deck list at FNM, but next week will use the new brew.
Normally Im pretty good at the brewing process, but... you guys are a pretty awesome community... and I like your help.
Thanks ahead of time!
I would it... 10/10