Advertise your STANDARD deck!

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on May 14, 2016, 3:06 p.m. by Epochalyptik

This is the Standard-specific advertise-your-deck thread!

Standard format rules

Here are the rules:

  1. You may link one of your decks in each of your posts. Do not list more than one deck per post.
  2. When you post, you must offer feedback on the deck posted immediately before yours (leave the feedback on that deck's page). This feedback needs to be genuine; "Cool deck" replies don't count. Try to be as helpful as possible.
  3. You may not post another deck in this thread again until a week after your previous deck post (by the day, not the exact minute). This is to make sure that other participants have a fair chance of getting some attention.
  4. Do not post unrelated comments in this thread. Leave the deck discussion on the deck pages. Additionally, don't comment just to subscribe to this thread. Use the subscribe button at the bottom of the page.
  5. This thread is stickied and does not expire.

When you share one of your decks, you should offer some information about what you want it to do, what specifically you think you need help with, etc. The more information you give people about your deck, the better the help you're likely to receive.

You're also encouraged to use the deck-large format to make your decks more visible:

[[deck-large:Dominus-Dreamcrusher Edition]]

While you're here, check out these recommendations for other ways to get views on your deck.

If you're feeling up to it, you can also try to write a primer for your deck.

admiralmerlin says... #1

February 8, 2017 4:51 a.m.

agrasu says... #2

Marvel combo deck

Standard* agrasu


I am going to use this at my Game day this weekend.

Please help with sideboard

February 8, 2017 8:56 p.m.

Entrei says... #3

Here is my current project:

Esper Hedrons

Standard* Entrei


Any suggestions would be welcome, planning on testing it out at game day!

February 8, 2017 9:04 p.m.

dylan_gregory says... #4

Any advice, its the first deck I've built. Green White test DG

February 11, 2017 6:18 p.m.

Olde_English says... #5

I'm a huge fan of tribal decks so I decided to create a Grixis Artificer Tribal build. I'll be playing at my LGS with this deck for every FNM so I need as much advice as I can get.

For some odd reason the deck large format isn't working so instead here's the link to my deck:

Grixis Artificer Tribal

February 14, 2017 1:13 a.m.

Just looking for some input on my list. This the deck I'm currently playing at my FNM.

Naya NRG Midrange

Standard* Soulprovider158


February 15, 2017 11:38 p.m.

snarlmkiv says... #7

Soulprovider158 The deck looks solid, but I'm not sure about Voltaic Brawler tho. Might I suggest Sylvan Advocate? since you're going for a midrange build.

Here's my deck.

Abzan Humans that go wide to go against Mardu Vehicles and energy decks.


Winding Constrictor and Thalia's Lieutenant

Rishkar, Peema Renegade and Winding Constrictor

Rishkar, Peema Renegade and Duskwatch Recruiter

February 15, 2017 11:57 p.m.

JerryW72 says... #8

Gave snarlmkiv my advice, for what it was worth!

Here's my deck:

Don't wake horror! (Sung like Don't Wake Daddy)

Modern Jwillette72


I'm going to my first standard competition tomorrow and could use some help fine tuning my deck to make sure that I'm not going to get last place. I also posted Here, but thought that posting here would help get more people to look at it and help get me more advice and help me kick some butt tomorrow! :D Thanks for all of the help in advance everybody! :D

February 18, 2017 7:42 p.m.

JerryW72 says... #9

Hey guys, sorry for the bother. I was supposed to link this deck:

Disappearing Torrential Gearhulk

Standard* Jwillette72


Guess the nerves are getting to me more then I thought and I wasn't watching which deck I was supposed to be putting up! Sorry for the trouble and thanks again for the help!

February 18, 2017 8:18 p.m.

jubale says... #10

Commented. Good luck with your deck!

Mechanized Can't-Lose

Standard jubale


This is a Marvel energy snowball deck. It doesn't usually win by attacking, doesn't run the big spells (like Ulamog), and the win "combo" (copying Woodweaver's Puzzleknot) takes 8 solid turns to execute, hardly like a combo deck.

And yet, I can't believe how good this works. It's very budget, and seems to be stomping everything I play against. Anybody with Marvel experience could maybe suggest something useful that would add to the mix.

February 18, 2017 11:18 p.m.

jingken98 says... #11

This is my budget homebrew for Standard, need more advises regarding how to improve it. My deck stand no chance against high tier deck but somehow to manage to win slightly lower tier deck. Descriptions are in the deck.

Simic's Aggro w/ Aetherflux Reservoir

Standard jingken98


February 19, 2017 6:03 a.m.

ohmless says... #12

I think there are enough good cards available to make Chapin's colorless deck for OGW viable again by adding blue!

The Return of the Eldrazi AER

Standard ohmless

SCORE: 1 | 378 VIEWS

February 22, 2017 12:10 a.m.

Snafie29 says... #13

Looking to give my RW humans deck a little more edge

Humans like artifacts

February 22, 2017 1:03 p.m.

iPlaySlivers says... #14

I am terrible with walkers. The budget version of the deck is here.

February 23, 2017 3:15 p.m.

RoboticPlayer says... #15

Gave feedback on iPlaySlivers's deck.

My Pummeler Deck

February 23, 2017 7:11 p.m.

DEDmaster says... #16

February 23, 2017 7:18 p.m.

Kolanskyman says... #17

I need help with mine

Value Town

February 23, 2017 8:09 p.m.

DEDmaster says... #18

February 24, 2017 11:34 a.m.

DEDmaster says... #19

February 27, 2017 8:38 p.m.

DEDmaster says... #20

sulti energy

I might be thinking I'm on here way to much. lol

February 28, 2017 10:21 a.m.

jubale says... #21

That Sultai deck looks interesting, but I can't imagine a deck like that not running answers. Put those Ballistas main, and add some removal or something. Also think Longtusk Cub and Elephant are very good here. For comparison, here's my Jund color deck: Energy Counters Overclocked.

The deck I'm looking for feedback on though is:

Revolting Aristocrats

Standard jubale


For people who want a deck with a different axis. Indestructible creatures, tokens, Cutthroat and Fumigate! Works well against a lot of stuff. I actually made a second version, and I'm not sure exactly what's the best angle to really make this deck competitive.

March 3, 2017 11:11 a.m.

jellowsmurf says... #22

Clue Control

Standard jellowsmurf


I just wanna know if it's fast enough for the current meta. In it's rough cut it was a bit slow, this one is slightly better I think.I have yet to test the retooled version against any of the big 3 so I'd like thoughts on how you think it'd fare against them.

March 9, 2017 7:11 a.m.

izzetlabrat says... #23

Hey! Building my first standard deck in a while irl. Help us greatly appreciated. Thx

March 13, 2017 8:13 p.m.

jubale says... #24

Cool deck, hope you find success with it. Meanwhile, I'm searching for a deck that can compete at FNM. Mardu Vehicles is a potent threat here, so:

Help me beat Mardu

Standard jubale


Basically looking at a midrangy deck that hopes to have the tools to tango effectively.

March 14, 2017 10:27 a.m.

jubale says... #25

Did I just kill the thread with a deck nobody could comment on because nobody knew how it could beat Mardu? My bad. Let's try again.

This time I think I have the answer! An aggro deck that can outpace Mardu (not always but hey, what can), and at $100 it's pretty budget. Oh, and built-in answers to combo.

Flying Humans for the Win!

Standard jubale


What do you think?

March 21, 2017 5:39 p.m.

DEDmaster says... #26

the combos work really well. but Im trying to decide wether or not its a win solution. will someone help me look at a different angle?

inspiring surge

March 21, 2017 10:27 p.m.

mhaywood03 says... #27

Hey check out my deck Mono-Black Hand destruction

I'm trying to make a hand destruction deck. Want to remove all cards from opponents hand as quick as possible to ensure I win the game with ease. Running cards like Herald of Anguish, Distended Mindbender and other great hand removal cards. Need some help I feel it works well I've tried some simulations and proxy games vs some mates but no serious competitive decks. Any help would be really appreciated :)

March 22, 2017 11:05 a.m.

jubale says... #28

Come on people, Rule 2. If you ignore that, the thread is almost pointless:

  1. When you post, you must offer feedback on the deck posted immediately before yours (leave the feedback on that deck's page). This feedback needs to be genuine; "Cool deck" replies don't count. Try to be as helpful as possible.
March 22, 2017 12:47 p.m.

mhaywood03 says... #29

Oh sorry man, I just looked through the Flying humans deck, looks really aggressive I like it, could even splash a heart of kiran in there. Might be a possible answer to Mardu vechiles, don't know how it would fair against Saheeli Rai combo tho, maybe side board in a Authority of the Consuls for even more aggro.

March 22, 2017 8:19 p.m.

jubale says... #30

Thanks! Haven't actually met Saheeli, but the plan is Thalia and Stasis Snare to beat the combo, besides just rushing them into the ground before it shows up.

March 23, 2017 10:47 a.m.

mhaywood03 says... #31

jubale Thalia is fantastic for Saheeli, I would just say practice the deck, no major adjustments needed, vs some mates and fnm's. Another card I would sideboard is Fragmentize so you don't have annoying kirans and ballistas or Aetherworks Marvel or other crazy artifacts in this meta.

March 23, 2017 6:39 p.m.

New to standard and learning the ropes. Would love some tips on making this deck stand up and last til it hits.

devil swarm

March 24, 2017 1:08 p.m.

ohmless says... #33

been brewing this for a few weeks now and can't break into the 75%ile bracket with it. Been getting mediocre results(50%) but having a blast doing so.

March 25, 2017 9:27 p.m.

SkoomaDaDrug says... #34

@ohmless I like the deck :P but 4 evolving wilds is a bit excessive :P at most i would add 2... When i play tested it I actually got 3 evolving wilds by turn 4 when i already had 2 land in hand :P

I've always like the way Aetherflux Reservoir works and decided to make a budget deck based on shooting people with 50 damage by turn 4 :P the point of the deck is to try to keep ur 0 drops in hand until u get aetherflux reservoir in hand then u can play all of them hopefully with a Sram on field for that extra spicy draw power

March 27, 2017 10:25 p.m.

Wyrmweird says... #35

SkoomaDaDrug you made a cool deck. Do you side board in any counter spells? Ceremonious Rejection and all of the other blue counters might be hard on your deck. I'm sure your deck can steal a game or two at an FNM, which is cool to see a home brew pull off. Fun looking brew you have.

Poor White Trash

Standard Wyrmweird


With the new embalm mechanic in AKH I'm looking forward to getting a boost to the deck I've been tinkering with since KLD. If I get some Gideon, Ally of Zendikar I'll have to rename it to WHITE TRASH, but I'm poor af so the one copy of Archangel Avacyn  Flip was the BIG money card I added. Hoping to cue up some WHITE ZOMBIE tunes and finally have a competitive deck at FNM this season!

March 28, 2017 6:37 a.m.

jmayle says... #36

I'm new to MTG. Looking for all the feedback I can get.

Hey check out my deck final ajani deck??

March 29, 2017 1:22 p.m.

Amot_gaming says... #37

Could use some help refining this.

This is a burn combo with Nettle Drone + Molten Nursery and dropping low CMC artifacts.

April 2, 2017 2:14 p.m.

NothingClever says... #38

Trying to do something fun with Planeswalkers. I could use some help.

April 2, 2017 8:15 p.m.

Deos says... #39

I saw Hazoret the Fervent, and knew that I had to build a Hellbent/Madness deck. So here is my try so far.

Amonkhet Hellbent

Standard* Deos


Looking for suggestions on the deck, and any strategies or interactions I missed. I am also needed some help on making my sideboard.

April 13, 2017 6:08 p.m.

jubale says... #40

Looks solid! The only thing extra you might consider is some zombies. Haunted Dead and Scrapheap Scrounger would fit fine with your hellbent theme.

As Foretold Overdrive

Standard* jubale


I found this list and tweaked it. It seems really good! If you like drawing cards and casting spells, this deck is all about that.

April 16, 2017 10:47 p.m.

Argy says... #41

Amonkhet Minotaurs

Standard* Argeaux


April 17, 2017 11:14 a.m.

jubale says... #42

you are expected to comment...

April 17, 2017 12:14 p.m.

Argy says... #43

I did, jubale

As soon as I posted I tested your deck and made a VERY detailed comment.

If you had been a little bit patient you would have seen that.

I take the time to playtest decks thoroughly before offering advice.

I'll accept your apology any time soon.

When you post, you must offer feedback on the deck posted immediately before yours (leave the feedback on that deck's page).

April 17, 2017 12:26 p.m. Edited.

jubale says... #44

Sorry Argeaux, I didn't mean to insult you. And your feedback is great.

April 17, 2017 9:21 p.m.

Zaueski says... #45

Alright, my decks done... Guess I'll be the one to test Argeaux's deck xD I'll have a thorough review up in a day or two. Gotta make sure I test it right.

Anyways, here's mine:

Grixis Cycling

Standard* Zaueski


April 17, 2017 9:25 p.m.

Argy says... #46

All good, jubale.

Glad you'll be testing my deck, Zaueski.

You're a very good builder.

April 18, 2017 3:53 a.m.

GrayAlchemyst says... #47

Hey yall. Rhonas and the Trial of Strength got me inspired to try:

Standard Zoo?

Standard* GrayAlchemyst

SCORE: 2 | 190 VIEWS

I think it's pretty solid but it needs sideboard help to fight Standard Anger of the Gods

April 18, 2017 9:29 a.m.

clayperce says... #48

Nice deck, GrayAlchemyst; I left some thoughts.


So I started with Lambholt Pacifist  Flip + Rhonas the Indomitable and here's where I ended up:

Appreciate any thoughts you may have!

April 21, 2017 11:35 a.m.

SkoomaDaDrug says... #49

clayperce Although Samut, Voice of Dissent has a white ability she is definitely worth a maybeboard just because she is just such a strong card. oh and if you want to keep it tribal a Silverfur Partisan is worth a good mention.

This is a rather interesting deck I made based around -1/-1 counters and tokens. It is a pretty quick deck and i like it but am always looking for suggestions and would love it if you +1'd it. :)

April 24, 2017 8:02 p.m.

left a comment, SkoomaDaDrug, nice deck you got there

3-1: Jund Minus Exert Prerelease!

Standard* emrakulinsmugglers


this was my prerelease deck, and im trying to turn it into a competitive standard legal Hellbent / Jund aggro deck. already changed it from 40 cards to 60 cards, but im wondering if i can find a way past Sweltering Suns? basically any help to make it more competitive, while staying in my budget (which is $200 for this deck, but that is a maximum and preferably under $50 would be great)

April 26, 2017 1:33 a.m.

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