All Things Delirium
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on July 10, 2016, 4:52 p.m. by Cragon18
In a similar vein of All Things Wolven by the venerable clayperce, I would like to start an "offical" Delirium forum on Tappedout. The goal of this forum is to share ideas, opinions on decks/cards, and to highlight the best delirium decks on Tappedout.
Good idea, hopefully there will be plenty of ideas shared here. Anyways here is my deck, I know it's not 60 cards, because I started taking cards in and out because I'm not quite sure what to have for the last few cards. Eldritch Moon has given me a lot of ideas, to consider.
One thing I'm thinking of doing is trying Emrakul, the Promised End in the deck along with a few other additions such as Distended Mindbender. Grapple with the Past I already put in as well.
July 10, 2016 5:58 p.m.
Thanks much for the shout-out (though your "venerable" made me literally lol)! Best of luck (and skill) with All Things Delirium!
July 10, 2016 6:42 p.m.
GrayAlchemyst says... #5
This makes me very happy. Delirium is a super cool mechanic and the direction I decided to take it was actually, commander. (Although I need some help) Headed by the crazy creature with the largest number of legs herself Ishkanah, Grafwidow. It's a WIP right now since the idea was only just conceived, and if anyone has any ideas or help on either more ways to get a billion cards into my graveyard, or commander staples that I missed, I'd be very appreciative.
Commander / EDH
Also I need a way better deck name.
July 10, 2016 7:21 p.m.
Delta-117 I like your list! Emrakul is a very intriguing card and I think that it works best in a delirium build for sure.Otherwise she is just too expensive for constructed play. If you are serious about running Emrakul, you are going to need more card types. I count 5 card types in your list. I'd recommend adding 2 more in order to make Emrakul easier to cast. Liliana, the Last Hope is a great walker for delirium, and there are plenty of artifacts that would be good in a delirium build. Perhaps some other delirious builders have some artifact suggestions? Wild-Field Scarecrow and Alchemist's Vial perhaps. There is also a new EMN 1 cmc artifact hat gives +2+2 with delirium that might be worth looking into.
Why Seasons Past? Without something to go get it from your library, potentially a wasted/nice to have card. I'd love to hear your reasoning though. It's certainly a great card! Happy brewing!
July 10, 2016 11:57 p.m.
iBleedPunk says... #7
GrayAlchemyst you could call it...
Swarm of Aragog
Aragog's Family Outting
Eight Legged Freaks
Do U Even Spider Bro?
July 11, 2016 12:03 a.m.
Perhaps Web of Delirium? I'm mostly spitballing here. I'll keep thinking..
July 11, 2016 12:14 a.m. Edited.
July 11, 2016 8:27 a.m.
Soullessone666 says... #10
I have been working on this one for a few days.
July 12, 2016 5:18 a.m.
Thanks for the post Soullessone666!
I am just sharing your decklist to make it easier for everyone to access
Delirium Tremens(Standard Meta Game)
July 12, 2016 7:44 a.m.
Planeswalker_Xavdak says... #12
Hey guys! I'm super excited to see delirium become a deck and Grim Flayer, Ishkanah, Grafwidow, Emrakul, and Terrarion seem great additions to the deck. This is my control deck version still under edit but I plan on building an aggro delirium deck here soon! Delirious for Emrakul
July 13, 2016 11:34 a.m.
Planeswalker_Xavdak says... #13
Also just gonna state my opinion on a few cards people might disagree with me about. I believe for a deck to work you should have to play bad cards and Grapple with the Past, Corpse Churn, and Gather the Pack are cards not work playing and they are a waste of mana in a delirium shell. you should try to manipulate your graveyard naturally through, well casting spells to start off with, and secondly use things like terrarion to fill your graveyard and cantrip. Or Grim Flayer to dump cards in your library. Liliana and Mindwrack Demon put cards in the graveyard but they come with either a 4/5 body or are a planeswalker. I just wanted to give my opinion on those cards. You're free to disagree. Maybe you find these cards making delirium happen more consistently.
July 13, 2016 11:40 a.m.
happygilmore511 says... #15
Lol,just saw your new build Cragon18. We keep making the same decks. Anyway, here was my first attempt at a delirium brew. It's meant to hit delirium at turn 2-3. We're All Mad Here
July 13, 2016 1:50 p.m.
Soullessone666 says... #16
I have been playing around with delirium decks for awhile now this is what I ended with.
July 13, 2016 4:03 p.m.
I was asked to post my deck here. Hope you guys like what you see.
July 14, 2016 12:30 a.m.
Planeswalker_Xavdak I somewhat agree with you sentiment, but I think it greatly depends on the deck. I personally run Grapple with the Past because I am running The Gitrog Monster and Tireless Tracker and lands are a premium. I also don't personally try to sell out to get delirium by turn 2 or 3. If it happens organically, great, but if it happens turn 4-5 that is fine too. I don't necessarily consider them wasted spots though. Say you put out your Mindwrack Demon and don't get delirium, but have a couple mana open to cast one of the mill cards. That instance could save you 4 life and grab something that was milled or destroyed. I think that is worth it right there. Just my opinion though.
That is pretty funny, happygilmore511. I like the differences in your decks, but still like mine better ;).
Thanks for posting Soullessone666! I really like the abzan take on the deck. It gives you access to lots of great cards. I like the additions of Avacyn and Gideon. Also nice that many of your creatures (except tokens of course) would survive an Avacyn flip.
Thanks for posting Pthance! Love your build!
July 14, 2016 8:54 a.m.
happygilmore511 says... #19
Watch it Cragon18. We both know my deck would totally win in a fight with your deck.
July 14, 2016 2:30 p.m.
Soullessone666 says... #20
Too bad this always beats the abzan and every other deck I tried or have hands down this one will be everywhere.
July 14, 2016 5:22 p.m.
Wow Soullessone666, that deck looks sick! The combo of control and those huge creatures is nasty. I love the Matter Reshaper into Distended Mindbender combo. With some serious side boarding my build could maybe compete, but that deck just looks too strong. Thanks for sharing!
July 14, 2016 6:24 p.m.
Planeswalker_Xavdak says... #22
Cragon18 I agree, honestly Gather the Pack isn't horrible either just for me turn 2 is a very critical turn in standard atm and I feel as though it should best be done playing a Sylvan Advocate or Grim Flayer or even the fungus mana dork. honestly the most consistent way i've achieved early game delirium is turn 1 Terrarion, turn 2 crack it and play Grim Flayer, turn 3 use a kill spell to kill their turn 2 creature, swing in with grim flayer and normally the other two card types you need will be within those three cards. i mean it isnt perfect i just prefer to spend crucial turns doing more critical things. and for personal preference pulse of murasa is what i prefer to get things out of the graveyard and gives you a decent life buffer. Liliana isn't a horrible tool either to get things outta the bin. I mean it is all personal preference. I just wanted to explain my thinking a little bit about what i believe makes builds more competitive.
July 15, 2016 2:23 a.m.
Also, check out my mono black delirium build.
July 15, 2016 7:25 a.m.
SpiderFerg says... #24
Thanks Cragon18 for letting me know about this forum!
I've been pretty stoked on delirium since SOI, but hadn't started brewing it until I drafted Grim Flayer for the prerelease. Basically me thoughts are pretty recent and would love input. All comments welcome!
I walk through my deck on the page, but the idea is get out low cost creatures that become big Grim Flayer/Sylvan Advocate and then use mill reanimation Grapple with the Past to trigger delirium, find the end clause (Emrakul, the Promised End/Distended Mindbender), and bring back the cheap 4/4's over and over making all removal useless except for exile.
Good luck everyone!
July 20, 2016 10:10 a.m.
MotherMoose says... #25
I have created a delirium deck, it has been getting pretty good reviews. Someone told me to post it here.
It does fairly well at getting delirium as early as turn 2 and I've never not had it by turn 5. The other big thing I do is take advantage of The Gitrog Monster/Fork in the Road + Splendid Reclamation + Retreat to Hagra.
What's your guesses opinion on Grim Flayer vs Sylvan Advocate. I'm running Sylvan bc I got man lands and she can survive languish/grasp of darkness.
July 22, 2016 9:47 a.m.
SpiderFerg says... #28
Regarding your question on Grim Flayer vs Sylvan Advocate.
We haven't seen the Flayer in action yet so we don't know exactly how it will pan out but we do know that people fear the Advocate already. My initial thoughts are both :) But in the event that that isn't an option, I'll include pros and cons below.
- 2 mana, but multicolored. This means it is harder to cast initially and takes land fixing while building the deck, but dodges Ultimate Price which will be popular in main decks since it is a cheap straight kill spell.
- Pumps faster than the Advocate so you can have your 4/4 faster if aggro is your thing. I am swinging with him for 4 on turn 3.
- Trample. I love trample because no one wants to block it unless it is a trade so you should get 1-3 free swings without it being blocked (4-12 free damage isn't nothing). And late game you can pump him and the trickle effect will take you over for the win.
- Flayer has more nuances and you have to build around him.
- easier to hit with removal since he tops at 4 butt.
- Easy 2 mana. No questions. Does NOT dodge Ultimate Price
- Avoids more removal than the Flayer with his 5 butt
- Gets Peck damage in early game and doubles as a defender since he has vigilance.
- Will get rid of their chumps making the Advocate better at board clearing. No one chumps a 4/4 trample, but they sure will chump a 4/5 vigilance.
Other thoughts on these cards is welcome, I surely missed something about them here!
July 22, 2016 12:58 p.m.
Run both! But seriously, Flayer plays phenomenally in online testing. Being able to order and filter through the deck as he attacks is beyond awesome.
July 22, 2016 1:11 p.m.
Soullessone666 says... #30
Hangarback Walker! It's 2 card types. As well as 4 Oath of Nissa
July 22, 2016 1:16 p.m.
Soullessone666 says... #31
If you run advocate at least make sure you can have 6 lands every game.
July 22, 2016 1:17 p.m.
Cragon18 i welcome you to check out my deck that you pointed me in the direction of.Liliana's Delirium
July 23, 2016 7:52 p.m.
SpiderFerg says... #33
I made a new deck that is more just for fun, but revolves around the flavor of her Majesty's messing with everyones' minds (or in this case hands). Also a delirium build.
July 26, 2016 4:14 a.m.
SpiderFerg, really great breakdown of the Delirium 2 drops. I agree that that is no reason not to run both. I think they are both super efficient and powerful creatures. Still don't appreciate Wizards making Grim Flayer mythic, but that is a topic for another day.
I really like the deck Philo_Lij! I will offer some thoughts when I have some more time. I also appreciate the shoutout but I am sure I had little to do with your final product :)
And thanks to MotherMoose, SpiderFerg, Soullessone666 and others for posting this list and making this forum so awesome!
I thought I would share the update to my EMN Delirium build. I removed all of the "traditional" Delirium enablers in favor or going a more organic route. I would love to hear all of your thoughts on what I came up with!
Harvest Moon
After looking at your list, Soullessone666 what I came up with looks somewhat similar to your list Delirium Tokens with a few differences of course.
Keep up all of the great Brewing, everyone!
July 26, 2016 9:05 a.m.
MotherMoose says... #35
Anyone having issues against G/W tokens or G/W/R humans when playing delirium. There just doesn't seem to be enough mass removal. The only things that lets me squeeze by are sideboarding in 4 Languish and 3 To the Slaughter. But still I only win about 60% of the time. I know there's other cards out there like Flaying Tendrils/Murder but the more removal I add, the less reliable delirium seems to be. The deck I have been running is Gitgud or Gitout
July 26, 2016 9:17 a.m.
MotherMoose, I know this feeling all to well. A guy in my playgroup runs a version of G/W humans and I lose to it so much and I hate it. It is fast (which the most recent Delirium deck I ran against him was not), and creatures like Tireless Tracker, Thalia's Lieutenant and Westvale Cult Leader Flip can get too big for languish. Sure I can get them with Ultimate Price and other spot removal, but if I don't draw those then I am hosed. They also have great removal cards like Declaration in Stone, Bound by Moonsilver, Stasis Snare, and Silkwrap among others. Delirium also struggles against these decks because they can go wide with tokens and small creatures or go tall with some of the above mentioned creatures. These decks also have a pretty low mana curve on average, so rebuilding is not an issue. I never had success with Flaying Tendrils because with a Gideon emblem or an Always Watching the creatures are likely already too big.
In the case of your deck, I would probably board in Sylvan Advocate in place of Grim Flayer since it can survive Languish. If you can clear their board with The Gitrog Monster, Mindwrack Demon and Advocate out, then you can hit for a ton that turn and likely end or be close to ending the game. Maybe also considering boarding in some Autumnal Gloom Flip for getting out a hexproof creature that dodges all their removal, just be careful not to Languish it!. Just some thoughts.
When/if I figure out how to beat those decks consistently I will be sure to share my findings. I am sure others on here can be more helpful than I in this matter.
Good luck and Happy Brewing!
July 26, 2016 9:41 a.m.
MotherMoose says... #37
@Cragon18 ya that's what I was thinking about Flaying Tendrils and was thinking about taking them out. I like the idea of Autumn Gloomin the sideboard.
Also what's you opinion on the new angels. I have no problem with Gisela, the Broken Blade but once bruna comes out bringing gisela then transforming. It has only happened once to me but that combo is brutal and hard to deal with
July 26, 2016 9:52 a.m.
MotherMoose Gisela can be killed by Murder, Grasp of Darkness, Ruinous Path, Bone Splinters or eliminated by Transgress the Mind, Distended Mindbender, as well as Prey Upon or Plummet. If that's their only flying creature use Clip Wings or something.
July 26, 2016 10:39 a.m.
MotherMoose says... #39
@Delta-117 as I said before, gisela is easy to deal with, since Mindwrack Demon beats her. My issue is with Brisela, Voice of Nightmares
July 26, 2016 10:45 a.m.
MotherMoose, I would probably Infinite Obliteration Gisela, the Broken Blade before your opponent can cast it. If you don't get that then I would run Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet so Gisela gets exiled and cannot be returned to the battlefield when Bruna comes out.
If you wanted to get really weird, you could Necromantic Summons or Rise from the Grave Gisela, assuming only one is in your opponent's graveyard, and steal it from them. Also, hold onto a Murder or Ultimate Price to kill Bruna when she comes out before they meld. I am not sure how stack priority works in that scenario though, so I would do some research on that. The key is to just prevent Brisela, since most removal spells that see play cost 3 or less. For that matter, a majority of spells in many standard decks cost 3 or less.
I hope this helps. I personally haven't played that combo yet, so not sure it's the best route to take.
July 26, 2016 10:46 a.m. Edited.
But Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet is much better.
Also MotherMoose I read part of your comment wrong/not entirely sorry about that.
July 26, 2016 11:55 a.m.
MotherMoose says... #43
@Cragon18 quick question can you Ruinous Path brisela for the awakened cost, or is it still a 3 cost spell?
July 26, 2016 7:52 p.m.
SpiderFerg says... #44
I'm know the question wasn't directed to me, but if I understand you correctly, Ruinous Path remains a 3 cost spell even if you use the awaken cost as that is an additional cost. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
My advice is kill the angels before they can meld :) Especially if you know they have one, be wary that the other will show up at some point. Instant removal is great so when they both hit the field, then you remove one and they can't get Bruna, the Fading Light to trigger either.
July 26, 2016 9:07 p.m.
Yes MotherMoose, SpiderFerg is correct. The only time that the CMC can change from what is printed in the upper right corner is for spells with X in the casting cost, I believe.
You could also run some Sinister Concoction. Leave it out for Brisela meld. It can't be countered once it's out and it's CMC is already paid. Just would need to watch out for Dromoka's Command.
July 26, 2016 9:38 p.m.
MotherMoose says... #46
In terms of Sinister Concoction you never need to be worried about Dromoka's Command. You just activate it and destroy one of their creatures. If then don't have a creature they can't cast it
July 26, 2016 9:47 p.m.
Todd Stevens' 20th place list from SCG Open:
4 x Hissing Quagmire
2 x Evolving Wilds
8 x Swamp
6 x Forest
4 x Llanowar Wastes
3 x Gnarlwood Dryad
4 x Grim Flayer
3 x Sylvan Advocate
3 x Den Protector
4 x Deathmist Raptor
2 x Mindwrack Demon
4 x Ruinous Path
4 x Dead Weight
3 x Aerial Volley
2 x Duress
1 x Languish
1 x Den Protector
I really like this list. None of the 'traditional' Delirium enablers. He has 4 each of Instant, Sorcery, Planeswalkers, and Enchantments 20 creatures and then lands. The addition of Deathmist Raptor is an interesting one, and not sure I like it as a 4 of. I like the addition of Den Protector in order to grab a Liliana from your yard. It is a very efficient and solid list overall. I am curious to hear all of your thoughts!
Nice to see a non-bant deck break into the top 20! Hopefully we will see some fun and unique brews this season!
July 27, 2016 8:49 a.m.
VexxValentine says... #48
so a demon a spider and a human walk into a bar this is my sultai build for delerium it gets delerium pretty quick and has some really nice curve plays in it also
July 27, 2016 8:52 a.m.
evanmarion says... #49
This forum helped me out with getting my build together. Hope you guys like it, and any feedback is appreciated!
July 28, 2016 1:07 p.m.
Leatherankh says... #50
Delirious Decklamation
Here's a deck idea that I've been experimenting with, but I can't quite seem to get it right. Any input would be appreciated.
Cragon18 says... #2
I'll get things started with my SOI delirium build. I still really like this deck a lot and don't want to put it to pasture just yet. I will be brewing an entirely new deck for EMN and sharing it here. I hope you guys like it and feel free to offer suggestions! Welcome to All Things Delirium!
Autumn in Innistrad
Standard Cragon18
July 10, 2016 4:57 p.m.