All things Wolven
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on March 26, 2016, 12:26 p.m. by clayperce
If you want to talk about Wolves and Werewolves in Standard, you're in the right place!
If you're looking for other formats, please drop by Werewolf EDH for Commander or Modern Wolves for Modern.
- You're 100% welcome to post here asking for help on anything Wolven, though you may want to set up a separate thread as well, in the Standard Deck Help forum.
- Please don't hesitate to post your deck in large format (it makes it easier for others to find the decks that are asking for help).
- Here's the syntax for a large format deck ... just copy-and-paste, replacing the "gruul-wolves-soi" part with the "slug name" from your deck's URL:
FNM (6 Jan 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): just-another-jundyard-dog-rec-12-5 by VexxValentine ($$$$)
FNM (23 Sep 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): Sköll Pack by GrimShock ($$$)
Game Day (13-14 Aug 2013)
- 2nd Place: An earlier version of RG Wolves (Post Kaladesh) by alexwilson (Heirloom, $$)
FNM (29 Jul 2016)
- 1st Place: Werewolf's hurt (budget) by Nicholade (Mono-Red, $)
FNM (15 Jul 2016)
- 1st Place: Werewolf's hurt (budget) by Nicholade (Mono-Red, $)
FNM (8 July 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): deck:naya-wolves-and-humans-bring-on-the-pain by snarlmkiv (Naya, $$)
Tues Standard (5 July 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): Fur-Force One by Teurastettava_Sika (Zada, $$)
FNM (1 July 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): deck:naya-wolves-and-humans-bring-on-the-pain by snarlmkiv (Naya, $$)
- 1st Place (3-0): Arlinn's Aggro Wolves by Jonnyradd ($$)
FNM (25 May 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): Naya Tokens 1st place FNM by kamerask (Naya, $$$$$$$$)
FNM (6 May 2016)
- 2nd Place (3-1): Baby I'm Preying On You Tonight [EMN] by BlueEyes (CoCo, $$$$)
GAME DAY (30 Apr - 1 May 2016)
- 1st Place: Bark at The Moon (Orig Preying Baby deck) by BlueEyes (Heirloom, $$$)
- Top 8: deck:gruul-werewolves-with-removal by snarlmkiv (Heirloom, $$)
- Top 8: Westvale Wolven High GAME DAY TOP EIGHT by Rabid_Wombat (Zada, $)
- Top 8: Wolf Pack Attack by deltacobra (Zada, Temur, $$$)
FNM (29 Apr 2016)
- 2nd Place (3-1): Wolves are back, Baby! by LoudWings (Skin Invasion, $$)
FNM (22 Apr 2016)
- 1st Place (4-0): Bark at The Moon (Orig Preying Baby deck) by BlueEyes (Heirloom, $$$)
- 1st Place (4-0): Dirty Dogs! by Nykona (Zada, $$)
- 2nd Place (3-1): Gruul Wolf Tribal by BoB_6082 (CoCo, $$$$)
Some great posts that will otherwise be totally buried as the thread grows ...
- An article about CoCo from Post #106: "I'd want 22 hittable creatures at the very least before putting Collected Company in my main deck. This gives a 5% chance of missing completely, a 21% probability of hitting one creature, and a 74% probability of hitting two creatures." Thanks, DaftVader!
- The budget Werewolf Quickbuild from the Top Deck podcast, at Post #198. Thanks, Spootyone and EAK1791!
- An explanation of Moonlight Hunt vs. Archangel Avacyn Flip, at Post #270. Thanks, AndyReveler!
- An article about shoring up weaknesses vs. playing to strengths in sideboarding, from Post #309.
- Wedge's video, R/G Werewolves "$20 Budget" Tribal Standard Deck Tech, from Post #396. Thanks, Axinoim!
- Posts about the Werewolf decks that tore it up at the SOI Standard Poor-Man Challenge (no Rares or Mythics allowed): Post #528, Post #644, and Post #650. Congrats to Kizmetto and magnetcrocodile (Round 2), Volvary (Round 3), and DruneGrey (Round 4)!
- A manabase article which describes the "right" mix of Shadowlands (like Game Trail), Battlelands (like Cinder Glade), and other sources, from Post #610. Thanks, Ryjo!
- A look at the numbers of Wolfs, Pump spells, and Lands in the SOI ZadaFur decks in the Hall of Fame, from Post #728.
- A look at Lambholt Pacifist 's performance in the World Championship and various Grand Prix, from Post #864. [Spoiler alert: She won!]
Want to add a note about the thread to your deck description? Just copy-and-paste this:
... the [All things Wolven]( thread!
Want to add a subscription button to your deck description? Just copy-and-paste this:
<a class="btn btn-default" href="/subscriptions/subscribe/67/62030/?return_url=/mtg-forum/standard-deck-help/all-things-wolven/">Subscribe to the All things Wolven thread</a>
We look forward to reading your comments and looking at your decks! Good luck (and good skill) on your builds!
P.S. No worries if you just want to lurk. Please just click the Subscribe button here or underneath the Comment window. Thanks!
EDIT: OOPS! I meant Ulvenwald Captive Flip, not Ulvenwald Tracker.
May 21, 2017 9:04 p.m.
ok thanks for the info. they are just not available to me at the moment. having to work around what I have and can cheaply get. its trying to play standard on a pauper budget. lol
May 21, 2017 9:15 p.m.
I guess its safe to say I am use to playing burn decks and I was able to get my werewolf deck to be fairly quick but dont remember what was in it
May 21, 2017 9:34 p.m.
I was able to come fairly close to your posted deck DarkStarStorm, but I am finding that with all the artifacts being used in the current metagame, it just isnt doing well. Im just going to keep playing around with it until something will work. thanks
May 22, 2017 1:48 p.m.
Dragonmumblr says... #6
My take on bringing glory to the pack, hopefully low enough to the ground when it needs to be, but overall more of a early/mid range kind of deck. I've gone back and forth on making this deck for a long time now and I think this might be the best way to have it all come together. Tell me what y'all think, any advice/critique is welcome!
It Goes Bark *Updated*
May 22, 2017 2:33 p.m.
June 19, 2017 5:36 p.m.
Bass_f13nd says... #9
I was told I should poat this and It needs a little help in my opinion so please feel free to throw knowledge on me.
Gruul tribal wolf storm
June 22, 2017 8:55 p.m.
We're running out of time folks, im so sad Arlinn Kord never really got to see much play ;'(
July 18, 2017 9:57 p.m.
Is anyone else running Werewolves at FNM this week? It's gonna be our last chance for a while ...
I plan to dust off a ZadaFur deck and say farewell to SOI with maximum jank. Will post the list here once I settle on it, and let y'all know how it goes!
September 21, 2017 2:04 p.m. Edited.
underlopex says... #12
I already got a FNM Fatal Push with red deck, so tomorrow I'll play with werewolves too, it's sad to me to say goodbye to this tribal (I learned play Magic thanks to werewolves!!)
September 21, 2017 3:10 p.m.
Moby_Copperfield says... #13
I played recently with my wolf deck and felt a little sad to think it was leaving Standard.
Time to convert it to modern Wolves!
September 21, 2017 4:18 p.m.
I just sleeved up my deck for the final FNM of AKH Standard:
Final Werewolves
After some playtesting, I decided to pass on the opportunity for one last game with 40+ 2/2 Wolf tokens from ZadaFur ... Turn 3 Moonrise Intruder
Flip + Ashmouth Blade
Flip is almost as fun, and much more reliable.
Best of luck (and skill) to anyone playing Wolves on Friday!
September 21, 2017 11:35 p.m.
Yeah!!! Go puppies!!!
Ima play Vehicles one last time, before Wandering Fumarole rotates and they become mush.
clayperce, StuBi, and Argy kicking it at FNM!!!
Bet I know who the bottom three will be. lol
September 22, 2017 12:10 a.m.
realBorborygmos says... #16
September 22, 2017 10:46 a.m.
Well, the Wolves and I had an absolute blast last night! Especially because we were able to make a TON of iconic plays ...
- Village Messenger Flip + Neglected Heirloom Flip → 5/5 Menace First Striker on Turn 3 upkeep
- Ulrich Fight Club Flip
- Flashing in multiple Howlpack Resurgence
- Lambholt Pacifist Flip sitting there like a big Stop sign while Lambholt Butcher Flip generally tore up the table
- And more!
I seriously think the only regret of the evening was I didn't get to resolve Arlinn Kord
Farewell Wolves ... for now!
September 23, 2017 2:24 p.m.
Wolfclaw91 says... #20
THey might rotated out of standard, but they will never be forgoten!!!
The night is young and the wolves will return one day. Now we can make some modern decks. :)
LeMonado says... #1
Ulvenwald Tracker is poorly designed and counter-intuitive. It's a worse body, first of all, that costs an obscenely high amount of mana to transform. The upgraded mana ability isn't needed since you already have more mana than you need to transform it in the first place. With Channeler Initiate, it does everything you need when you need it. In the early game it taps for mana. By the lategame, it becomes a 3/4 body WITHOUT you having to sink more mana into it. It's a low maintenance card.
As for Duskwatch Recruiter Flip? I guess it boils down to a combination of personal preference and a limited number of slots. While it IS a neat mana sink, I don't see an easy answer to what I would take out to include it. You need to decide whether you want to close games out quickly with Breakneck Rider Flip and Howlpack Resurgence, or going for the long game of dropping multiple creatures every turn past 6. Either way, ask yourself which one you can do BETTER than the competition. Zombies is really good at gettting a ton of sizable zombies by turn 5-7, but turns 1-3 leave them weak to hard removal. Mardu vehicles looks to gain advantages in tempo and hide its weakness to removal behind waves of creatures. Aetherworks hides behind spot removal long enough to spin the wheel a few times and hit an Ulamog. You decide which strategy is better.
The only reason why I didn't include Izzet Control in there is because I feel as though you're naturally favored against them anyway. They can't use their countermagic as efficiently since "Draw > Go"ing transforms the werewolves.
May 21, 2017 8:58 p.m.