All things Wolven
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on March 26, 2016, 12:26 p.m. by clayperce
If you want to talk about Wolves and Werewolves in Standard, you're in the right place!
If you're looking for other formats, please drop by Werewolf EDH for Commander or Modern Wolves for Modern.
- You're 100% welcome to post here asking for help on anything Wolven, though you may want to set up a separate thread as well, in the Standard Deck Help forum.
- Please don't hesitate to post your deck in large format (it makes it easier for others to find the decks that are asking for help).
- Here's the syntax for a large format deck ... just copy-and-paste, replacing the "gruul-wolves-soi" part with the "slug name" from your deck's URL:
FNM (6 Jan 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): just-another-jundyard-dog-rec-12-5 by VexxValentine ($$$$)
FNM (23 Sep 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): Sköll Pack by GrimShock ($$$)
Game Day (13-14 Aug 2013)
- 2nd Place: An earlier version of RG Wolves (Post Kaladesh) by alexwilson (Heirloom, $$)
FNM (29 Jul 2016)
- 1st Place: Werewolf's hurt (budget) by Nicholade (Mono-Red, $)
FNM (15 Jul 2016)
- 1st Place: Werewolf's hurt (budget) by Nicholade (Mono-Red, $)
FNM (8 July 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): deck:naya-wolves-and-humans-bring-on-the-pain by snarlmkiv (Naya, $$)
Tues Standard (5 July 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): Fur-Force One by Teurastettava_Sika (Zada, $$)
FNM (1 July 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): deck:naya-wolves-and-humans-bring-on-the-pain by snarlmkiv (Naya, $$)
- 1st Place (3-0): Arlinn's Aggro Wolves by Jonnyradd ($$)
FNM (25 May 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): Naya Tokens 1st place FNM by kamerask (Naya, $$$$$$$$)
FNM (6 May 2016)
- 2nd Place (3-1): Baby I'm Preying On You Tonight [EMN] by BlueEyes (CoCo, $$$$)
GAME DAY (30 Apr - 1 May 2016)
- 1st Place: Bark at The Moon (Orig Preying Baby deck) by BlueEyes (Heirloom, $$$)
- Top 8: deck:gruul-werewolves-with-removal by snarlmkiv (Heirloom, $$)
- Top 8: Westvale Wolven High GAME DAY TOP EIGHT by Rabid_Wombat (Zada, $)
- Top 8: Wolf Pack Attack by deltacobra (Zada, Temur, $$$)
FNM (29 Apr 2016)
- 2nd Place (3-1): Wolves are back, Baby! by LoudWings (Skin Invasion, $$)
FNM (22 Apr 2016)
- 1st Place (4-0): Bark at The Moon (Orig Preying Baby deck) by BlueEyes (Heirloom, $$$)
- 1st Place (4-0): Dirty Dogs! by Nykona (Zada, $$)
- 2nd Place (3-1): Gruul Wolf Tribal by BoB_6082 (CoCo, $$$$)
Some great posts that will otherwise be totally buried as the thread grows ...
- An article about CoCo from Post #106: "I'd want 22 hittable creatures at the very least before putting Collected Company in my main deck. This gives a 5% chance of missing completely, a 21% probability of hitting one creature, and a 74% probability of hitting two creatures." Thanks, DaftVader!
- The budget Werewolf Quickbuild from the Top Deck podcast, at Post #198. Thanks, Spootyone and EAK1791!
- An explanation of Moonlight Hunt vs. Archangel Avacyn Flip, at Post #270. Thanks, AndyReveler!
- An article about shoring up weaknesses vs. playing to strengths in sideboarding, from Post #309.
- Wedge's video, R/G Werewolves "$20 Budget" Tribal Standard Deck Tech, from Post #396. Thanks, Axinoim!
- Posts about the Werewolf decks that tore it up at the SOI Standard Poor-Man Challenge (no Rares or Mythics allowed): Post #528, Post #644, and Post #650. Congrats to Kizmetto and magnetcrocodile (Round 2), Volvary (Round 3), and DruneGrey (Round 4)!
- A manabase article which describes the "right" mix of Shadowlands (like Game Trail), Battlelands (like Cinder Glade), and other sources, from Post #610. Thanks, Ryjo!
- A look at the numbers of Wolfs, Pump spells, and Lands in the SOI ZadaFur decks in the Hall of Fame, from Post #728.
- A look at Lambholt Pacifist 's performance in the World Championship and various Grand Prix, from Post #864. [Spoiler alert: She won!]
Want to add a note about the thread to your deck description? Just copy-and-paste this:
... the [All things Wolven]( thread!
Want to add a subscription button to your deck description? Just copy-and-paste this:
<a class="btn btn-default" href="/subscriptions/subscribe/67/62030/?return_url=/mtg-forum/standard-deck-help/all-things-wolven/">Subscribe to the All things Wolven thread</a>
We look forward to reading your comments and looking at your decks! Good luck (and good skill) on your builds!
P.S. No worries if you just want to lurk. Please just click the Subscribe button here or underneath the Comment window. Thanks!
NotSquishedYet says... #2
There's a 30% chance of one mythic in a pack, and a 10% chance of two.
I think you can also get a second non-foil rare/mythic on occasion.
Imagine that one lucky guy who gets a mythic, an extra mythic, a foil mythic, and a flip mythic in one pack...
April 4, 2016 9:42 p.m.
AverageBoss says... #3
I think 1 in 72 is the closer answer as there are 9 DFC R/Ms.
So for those of us getting a box, roughly a 50% chance.
Apparently the C/U DFCs take the place of the land you would normally get in a pack. The R/M DFCs take the place of one of your normal commons. Then you have your normal R and R+M distribution on top of that.
April 4, 2016 9:55 p.m.
It happened to me when the last Innis trad block was around. I opened a pack with Falkenreath Aristocrat, some foil mediocre rare, and that equipment that flipped into a demon.
April 4, 2016 11:35 p.m.
The problem is, that the current wolves day side is better their night side is a lot weaker than the original innistrad block wolves (Neck Breaker Flip vs Wildblood Pack Flip. Also we only have Geier Reach Bandit Flip to aid in flipping, nothing else (even something like Curse of Exhaustion would have been nice).
April 5, 2016 11:21 a.m.
guys i've been thinking...
how do we deal with Westvale Abbey Flip?
April 5, 2016 9:06 p.m.
Burn from Within , Clip Wings , Crumble to Dust, Demolish...
i think Clip Wings might be the best because its the most versatile, hits Avacyn, Dragonlords -- except if they run thopter tokens or spirits...well they'll just sacrifice those. Im really conflicted. Sideboarding is so hard..
April 5, 2016 9:58 p.m.
Most decks will probably just try to prevent their opponent from getting 5 disposable creatures in the first place in order to deal with Westvale Abbey Flip. I mean, there are plenty of 3-cost cards that give +1/+1 to all creatures, which totals to +5/+5 if you have 5 creatures. That's hard to deal with; shouldn't Westvale also be hard to deal with?
April 6, 2016 1:45 a.m.
Reclaiming Vines, Vandalize, Volcanic Upheaval are also options for land removal.
April 6, 2016 8:46 a.m.
AverageBoss says... #10
Also the new card: Structural Distortion is another option.
April 6, 2016 9:23 a.m.
For Westvale Abbey Flip, I would consider Chandra, Flamecaller (that -X can clear out the tokens no problem), Chandra's Fury (works on the tokens so long as there is no anthem effect boosting them), or Chandra's Ignition (another option to sweep their creatures while potentially leaving your own). All of these have the potential to clear their board while leaving yours intact, and can hit before Westvale is activated (Chandra herself less so).
April 6, 2016 10:08 a.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #13
Huh. I'm kinda tempted to make a yoink deck. Turbofog my way up to 7 mana, and start slapping people with their biggest creature made unblockable and mine with double strike.
April 6, 2016 11:03 p.m.
Act of Treason probably wouldn't help much against Westvale Abbey Flip, since it's a Sorcery spell and the creature deals and heals 9 damage if you don't deal with it instantly.
April 6, 2016 11:40 p.m.
What is everyone thoughts on this in a Midrange deck?
Pack Guardian seems to work just the same.
April 7, 2016 7:57 p.m.
anyone tested with Moonlight Hunt? I have in my sideboard but for one, i dont have any match ups in mind i'd bring it in against, and two i think it might be almost too cute? again i havent had actual practice with the card yet being sideboard... i feel like it might be the 61st and 62nd card in my mainboard, and thats not a good excuse to put it in your sideboard -- know what im trying to say? it feels a little clunky...
Since its release day, i havent managed to find more Atarka's Command any suggestions for cards to replace it? I have one, but... is not worth running just one is it? I've put in 2 Roast but that last card slot i cant figure out --- hah maybe Moonlight Hunt as a singleton mainboard ha.
i like Pack Guardian but not sold on the enchantment.
April 7, 2016 8:10 p.m. Edited.
darklord987 says... #17
You guys ready for FNM tomorrow! Tomorrow I am trying out my deck and next week I will be trying out clayperce's deck. I still need another deck for the third week of SOI FNM. Any decks I should try out? Really excited to try mine and clayperce's deck due to them being two different approaches to the tribal deck.
April 7, 2016 9:10 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #18
If you've got money for strange cards and a LOT of skill piloting complicated things, I've got one.
April 7, 2016 9:14 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #19
In fact, one that seems to have a good matchup against everything but U/W Taxes, and I'm not sure about that one.
April 7, 2016 9:15 p.m.
Fnm tonight for me! Im so excited to run my coco list, just a shame i couldn't track down two more Atarka's Command.
darklord987I mean you could try the Coco variant of werewolves, if you wanted 3 steady weeks of werewolf madness! (just coco and den protectors are a little pricey, but not anywhere near the prices it used to be!)
April 7, 2016 9:19 p.m.
We should all note down our match ups at fnm, then come here and write up our results. This is a great way for all of us to improve as a whole since we're all in the same archetype while still using our seperate variants. I'm particularly interested to learn of meta's around the world.
if we share this kind of information, we kind of are like our own wolf pack aha!
also what about mirror matches!? That will be very interesting.
April 7, 2016 9:23 p.m.
AverageBoss says... #22
I have tested Moonlight Hunt. As long as you have two wolves out, it kills most anything, and at instant speed to boot.
April 7, 2016 9:37 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #23
Agreed. I can vouch for its usefulness. Against decks where you have targets, they don't have the removal to stop it.
April 7, 2016 9:42 p.m.
Would you reccomend Moonlight Hunt mainboard or good sideboard (against what kind of match ups would you bring it in? and what would you drop to bring it in?)
April 7, 2016 9:47 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #25
2x Mainboard, 2x Sideboard. Against Aggro, bring 2 in. Against Control, drop 2 out. Depends on the deck, for what to take out.
April 7, 2016 9:52 p.m.
How do we deal with Westvale Abbey? We play Westvale Abbey of course. Wolves who bench Eldrazi: It's Better Than Yours
April 8, 2016 10:45 p.m.
AverageBoss says... #28
Clip Wings is best, but Structural Distortion is another option.
April 9, 2016 1:47 a.m.
No one forgot that Bonds of Mortality is a thing, right??
April 9, 2016 8:56 a.m.
darklord987 says... #30
My first FNM was not good. My FNM is known for having some of the best players around to play there. It is extremely competitive and most people were playing tier 1 decks. Werewolves just didn't make the cut. The deck loses to vampires, mono-white and planeswalker decks. I went 2-2 which is horrible for me. I did take some notes on cards after I played though. Here they are:
Moonlight Hunt is amazing and destroys eldrazis and vampires easily.
Atarka's Command is also great, like usual.
Geier Reach Bandit Flip is the best three drop in the game. The card can help you win the game much quicker.
Silverfur Partisan will always be on the battlefield. That card was never targeted by removal. The card is the second best three drop.
Howlpack Resurgence is an absolutely AMAZING combat trick. This card always gets sideboarded against. The strongest card in the deck at the moment.
Duskwatch Recruiter Flip is super powerful. Both sides of the card have crazy strong abilities.
Village Messenger Flip is not good. The card never flips and it dies quickly.
Breakneck Rider Flip is HORRIBLE. The card is double red and just gains trample when it flips. The card should not be played in the deck.
Scourge Wolf is meh. Not good nor bad. The card is only good as a blocker. Not the best attacker without Howlpack Resurgence.
I may try werewolves again in two weeks, but I think Atarka Red is a competitive deck unlike MOST werewolves deck. Werewolves still has a lot of potential, but we should see what is played during the competitive events.
Hope this helps!
April 9, 2016 9:02 a.m.
I also went 2-2 and got outclassed by most decks.
0-2 vs GW megamorph
0-2 vs BW eldrazi flicker?
2-0 vs mono blue
2-0 vs a mish mash of 5 colours?
agreed Moonlight Hunt was MVP as well as Geier Reach Bandit Flip. Arlinn Kord Flip played very well.
Village Messenger Flip was outclassed outside of turn 2 and Breakneck Rider Flip was awful. Removing. Ember-Eye Wolf is suboptimal. Sylvan Advocate would be better.
Collected Company worked very well as well as Den Protector so i definitely like the shell.
I will be trying another brew i have (non werewolf) for next week, but will continue tweaking my deck. Lycanthrope Rush
April 9, 2016 9:59 a.m.
I feel a Mayor of Avabruck Flip, Moonmist or Immerwolf like card would really bring up the overall strength of werewolf decks, did other players find the decks they were VSing just outclassed them most of the time? More value, bigger creatures etc?
also maybe these decks will shine in Eldrich Moon --- but the PTQs and stuff are coming out soon, how great would it be to see a werewolf or two up there (non Arlinn Kord Flip)
April 9, 2016 10:01 a.m.
lordruthven says... #33
Arlinn and the Werewolves
Getting back into standard after two years (SOI got me excited and I started off during the original Innistrad block)
I tested it out against a friend's BR vampire deck and I got beat 9 out of 10 games. :( It's just not consistent enough. Atarka's Command was great early game. Coco wasn't consistent enough for me.
I'm not sure if I should cut lands for more removal or cut instants for more creatures.I'd like some advice on which way I should go in terms of the build.
April 10, 2016 1:18 a.m.
My deck:
Hunting Under That Cursed Moon
I hope I'm not too late to the werewolf party, I've been wanting to try my hand at a werewolf deck and what makes the most sense to me is a mid-range deck gets a good nice play out of all the werewolves or a majority of them.
Having said that I have no experience with werewolves and was hoping one of you could help me figure out what problems I might have with this deck. I see we're talking sideboard right now and I think Clip Wings would be good against the big flyers like Ojutai, and Aim High might also help more spammy flyers or something.
If they run enchantments maybe some of our natural enchantment removal...I'm not really sure what the meta is going to be at the moment.
April 10, 2016 2:12 a.m.
ManaAddict says... #35
Hey guys, I'm kinda new to this thread, and hopefully not everyone's gone, but it would be awesome if you could take a look at this take on a werewolf deck.
When the Silver Moon Turns Red
SCORE: 2 | 310 VIEWS
Its meant to be a psuedo-human with werewolves deck with some help from another deck called Gruul Wolves (SOI Full Aggro). (Mainly the combo). Much thanks!
April 10, 2016 2:19 a.m.
Hi, folks. I'm pretty new to Tappedout, but I've read this thread and I wanted to try my own Zada/Silverfur combo/aggro deck. Zada's Wolf Pack is my try. I think I found the right cards to enable Delirium for Scourge Wolf -- Bonded Construct and Dragon Fodder, which also plays well with Zada's combo, as well as Warped Landscape, a sacrificial land that doesn't slow down the aggro.
April 10, 2016 9:08 a.m.
Thanks much to everyone who passed on feedback from FNM! I didn't get to play, and I really appreciate the insights!
In case y'all didn't see: Top 8 from SCG Open. No Wolf decks :-( But still, it's good to see the first draft of the new meta!
April 11, 2016 10:16 a.m.
Noxiousblade says... #38
So I'm looking to run wolves for my first standard deck ever ( I'm porting over from casual/modern and have only been playing a few months after a very long haiatus ) I'd like to run this deck at FNM, it's budget but I think it could work but it definitely needs some help. Please take a look and see if you could help me out. Criticisms welcome. My deck:
Big bad wolf
I'm looking to buy these cards to play so if it's terrible please save me the pocket mill.
April 11, 2016 8:58 p.m.
This is my budget werewolf deck. Please give any suggestions to help make this deck better.
Arlinn's pack of wolves
April 12, 2016 8:56 a.m.
Ok, I know everyone calls the ': ~ gets +1/+0 until end of turn' ability 'Firebreathing'.
But what do we call the pump effect on Ember-Eye Wolf (and Feral Ridgewolf from original ISD)?
Is anyone with me on 'Dog Breath'?
April 12, 2016 10:01 a.m.
Trio2012 You have a budget deck with three thirty dollar planes walkers in them? XD
April 12, 2016 12:22 p.m.
gemyniraptor86 says... #42
here's mine that will coming out this FNM Little Red Riding Hood...
April 12, 2016 1:41 p.m.
whatevskis. says... #43
Hey, I'm not SUPER experienced, but I've been brewing up more of a control build. Not sure if it would work as well as the aggro decks I've been seeing here and it is untested, but I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts or suggestions as I continue to play around with it
April 12, 2016 2:37 p.m.
It's only fun if they run! (Gruul warewolf aggro) Aggro is were i feel warewolfs belong best. Removal is rough but i think we can get there!!
April 12, 2016 4:33 p.m.
All the decklists here are starting to look the same, any ideas for a different build? (I know theres only so much we can build but trying to think outside of the box)
Just throwing into the fray but i made a Red-Deck-Werewolves (RDWw) list which was a lot of fun to test, it runs Neglected Heirloom Flip and Call of the Full Moon
Take a look!
April 12, 2016 8:30 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #46
So I checked out that top 8 list earlier today clayperce and all of those decks are a huge threat against any version of werewolf deck I have seen, especially that bant deck, it just laughs at our flipped werewolves...what do we do to combat that???
April 13, 2016 12:04 a.m.
AndyReveler says... #47
Also check out my version of werewolves guys and gals. As a former werewolf player I'm pretty confident in my deck.
Werewolf Heirloom
April 13, 2016 12:09 a.m.
A few thoughts ...
Do y'all follow Spootyone's Podcast The Top Deck? If not, the latest episode is a great place to start, due to the budget Werewolf "quickbuild"!
Thanks so much for the RDWw apprach! It's fun, fresh, and very cool!
Along the lines of fresh new builds, is anyone out there working on "Howling Eldrazi Ramp"?
We know Aggro is good but I'm not sure it's great, since none of us taking that approach have been able to get consistent Turn 4 wins while goldfishing. That doesn't mean the situation is hopeless, but it's going to be tough.
Similarly, CoCo is good but I'm increasingly sure a tribal build is not going to be great ... there are certainly some great Werewolves (like the Duskwatch Recruiter in last weekend's #1 deck), but CoCo wants ETB effects, and we just don't have any.
A ramp deck though, with a bunch of Werewolves holding down the fort while the deck ramps up to a big bombs? I haven't seen one yet, and I'm increasingly wondering if that's our last best chance for making it to a Top 8 ...
AndyReveler and Everyone,
I'm not sure yet how we can beat decks of that caliber. In a "pure" Wolven deck, we have only the traditional Gruul responses: Crush. Burn. Go faster. :-)
Mono-Red maybe, for less Crush, but more Burn and Go Faster?
Add Blue, Black, or White, for more answers?
More Human synergy?
I just don't know ...
April 13, 2016 1 a.m.
Hey there. I appreciate the plug :) For the record, the podcast is just as much EAK1791's as it is mine. After all, I need someone to give a new nickname every episode and to come up with things like "Jace, Wearer of Coats"!
For those interested, this is the build:
Quickbuild: Budget Werewolves (~$25)
It's not the most competitive thing in the world, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out price-wise, especially with how short of a time we spent on it. I bet it could really take some matches at FNM, too. And all with cards people leave on the table!
April 13, 2016 1:20 a.m.
i have modified my deck to be less tribal and more efficient CoCo wolves if you would please check it out. i feel tirelss tracker really helps by giving the deck some card draw in the form of clue tokens and raptors. lycanthrope rush
rdww is fun and explosive (may take to gameday if i cant finish my token combo deck in time)
NotSquishedYet says... #1
Using an extremely rough and rushed calculation of probability, 23 packs are guaranteed one Arlinn.
April 4, 2016 9:37 p.m.