All things Wolven
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on March 26, 2016, 12:26 p.m. by clayperce
If you want to talk about Wolves and Werewolves in Standard, you're in the right place!
If you're looking for other formats, please drop by Werewolf EDH for Commander or Modern Wolves for Modern.
- You're 100% welcome to post here asking for help on anything Wolven, though you may want to set up a separate thread as well, in the Standard Deck Help forum.
- Please don't hesitate to post your deck in large format (it makes it easier for others to find the decks that are asking for help).
- Here's the syntax for a large format deck ... just copy-and-paste, replacing the "gruul-wolves-soi" part with the "slug name" from your deck's URL:
FNM (6 Jan 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): just-another-jundyard-dog-rec-12-5 by VexxValentine ($$$$)
FNM (23 Sep 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): Sköll Pack by GrimShock ($$$)
Game Day (13-14 Aug 2013)
- 2nd Place: An earlier version of RG Wolves (Post Kaladesh) by alexwilson (Heirloom, $$)
FNM (29 Jul 2016)
- 1st Place: Werewolf's hurt (budget) by Nicholade (Mono-Red, $)
FNM (15 Jul 2016)
- 1st Place: Werewolf's hurt (budget) by Nicholade (Mono-Red, $)
FNM (8 July 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): deck:naya-wolves-and-humans-bring-on-the-pain by snarlmkiv (Naya, $$)
Tues Standard (5 July 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): Fur-Force One by Teurastettava_Sika (Zada, $$)
FNM (1 July 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): deck:naya-wolves-and-humans-bring-on-the-pain by snarlmkiv (Naya, $$)
- 1st Place (3-0): Arlinn's Aggro Wolves by Jonnyradd ($$)
FNM (25 May 2016)
- 1st Place (3-0): Naya Tokens 1st place FNM by kamerask (Naya, $$$$$$$$)
FNM (6 May 2016)
- 2nd Place (3-1): Baby I'm Preying On You Tonight [EMN] by BlueEyes (CoCo, $$$$)
GAME DAY (30 Apr - 1 May 2016)
- 1st Place: Bark at The Moon (Orig Preying Baby deck) by BlueEyes (Heirloom, $$$)
- Top 8: deck:gruul-werewolves-with-removal by snarlmkiv (Heirloom, $$)
- Top 8: Westvale Wolven High GAME DAY TOP EIGHT by Rabid_Wombat (Zada, $)
- Top 8: Wolf Pack Attack by deltacobra (Zada, Temur, $$$)
FNM (29 Apr 2016)
- 2nd Place (3-1): Wolves are back, Baby! by LoudWings (Skin Invasion, $$)
FNM (22 Apr 2016)
- 1st Place (4-0): Bark at The Moon (Orig Preying Baby deck) by BlueEyes (Heirloom, $$$)
- 1st Place (4-0): Dirty Dogs! by Nykona (Zada, $$)
- 2nd Place (3-1): Gruul Wolf Tribal by BoB_6082 (CoCo, $$$$)
Some great posts that will otherwise be totally buried as the thread grows ...
- An article about CoCo from Post #106: "I'd want 22 hittable creatures at the very least before putting Collected Company in my main deck. This gives a 5% chance of missing completely, a 21% probability of hitting one creature, and a 74% probability of hitting two creatures." Thanks, DaftVader!
- The budget Werewolf Quickbuild from the Top Deck podcast, at Post #198. Thanks, Spootyone and EAK1791!
- An explanation of Moonlight Hunt vs. Archangel Avacyn Flip, at Post #270. Thanks, AndyReveler!
- An article about shoring up weaknesses vs. playing to strengths in sideboarding, from Post #309.
- Wedge's video, R/G Werewolves "$20 Budget" Tribal Standard Deck Tech, from Post #396. Thanks, Axinoim!
- Posts about the Werewolf decks that tore it up at the SOI Standard Poor-Man Challenge (no Rares or Mythics allowed): Post #528, Post #644, and Post #650. Congrats to Kizmetto and magnetcrocodile (Round 2), Volvary (Round 3), and DruneGrey (Round 4)!
- A manabase article which describes the "right" mix of Shadowlands (like Game Trail), Battlelands (like Cinder Glade), and other sources, from Post #610. Thanks, Ryjo!
- A look at the numbers of Wolfs, Pump spells, and Lands in the SOI ZadaFur decks in the Hall of Fame, from Post #728.
- A look at Lambholt Pacifist 's performance in the World Championship and various Grand Prix, from Post #864. [Spoiler alert: She won!]
Want to add a note about the thread to your deck description? Just copy-and-paste this:
... the [All things Wolven]( thread!
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We look forward to reading your comments and looking at your decks! Good luck (and good skill) on your builds!
P.S. No worries if you just want to lurk. Please just click the Subscribe button here or underneath the Comment window. Thanks!
I am also curious how you would flip chandra... If thats even a condition.
And Rasanck: I always expect a Zada, Hedron Grinder to make a ton of big creatures, but before it even gets to be big, especially in this type of meta. There is a ton of early stage removal Fiery Impulse, Lightning Axe, Radiant Flames,etc etc that shuts down early. Could just be my meta, it's a big netdeck shop, that I brew at. Over 200+ people each Friday. Against the mirror, yes its fantastic, but would need Cryptolith Rite to get it triggered faster just in case of say Moonlight Hunt on your turn 4 Zada as a counter measure. Getting it out a turn earlier with Cryptolith Rite or turn 5 with a Vines of the Recluse to get all the "mana" back and then go at'em with full force.
I only have werewolves best interest at heart and all the decks associated with them. Defiantly want our werewolves to redefine the meta.
April 29, 2016 11:39 a.m.
Actually, saying all that gave me a deck idea..TO THE DRAWING BOARD
April 29, 2016 12:03 p.m.
FizahJasni says... #5
Hi Snarimkiv, to flip Chandra, I lightning strike the potential blocker, attack with chandra, then cast a red spell to untap her. Then use her ability to deal 1 more damage. Then she will flip.
Or I equip Chandra with Ashmouth Blade, attack with Chandra, then cast a red spell to untap her. Then use her ability, then she will flip.
April 29, 2016 8:34 p.m.
That makes sense, but you may want to add more one drop spells in case you really need to flip her.
Also guys I found this treasure for those who want to splash blue into their wolf decks
Zadafur Storm Recruiter
April 30, 2016 12:49 a.m.
This is a deck that I have been doing pretty well with at my FNM. Im just looking to see if there is anything I can do to make it better.
Zada, Leader of The Pack
April 30, 2016 3:13 p.m.
Thanks much for pointing out the Temur deck!
One quick thing though: I know it's obvious, but not everyone on this thread is a guy. And though 'guys' is a gender-neutral term in many places, it's not everywhere. Thanks!
April 30, 2016 4:20 p.m. Edited.
Gameday result, 1 draw 1 loss 1 win on my first gameday.
draw was because of bad draw from my ooponent then by me.
Loss was again by horrible first hand & draw
Win was my last game, draw was OK.
I think that all fo this is because the deck was sorted at the start of the first game. had a loot or land or a lot of creature.
afternoon, at another store, ended 9th out of 22 players. 5 games: 3 win/2 looses.
first hands & draw were far better than morning.
1st match was a win. nothing worth mentionning about this one.
2sd match was a loss against a black green infinite damage combo(zulaport& some eldrazi. saw it coming but fucked up). Lots of missplay from me(this was my first tournament/T2 experience), died horribly.
3rd was a win against a black/green control ramp deck? black/green control that run ulamog for kill. lost first turn to ulamog, won the second game with a swing of Her ulamog .thanks Act of Treason . Won 3rd game by werewolf superpower.
4th match against a black/white vampire ally. lost. I won first game. 2sd game,he made a big mistake that would allow me to win easily, but I allowed him to cancel his move. next turn, he got a good card and won. I was here to get some experience and test my Werewolf,not playing for win. I don't feel cheated or anything. Thanks to that, we got a 3rd game(that he won).
5th match was against a green black delirium. Won. lost first game to lack of mana (got 2 lands on my first hand, game ended on turn 8 or 9 with 2 lands on my battlefield.)2sd game won by constant pressure & 3rd by speed: a first hand was full red, Village Messenger Flip2 Geier Reach Bandit Flip2.
I was not sure about Duskwatch Recruiter Flip, but it did Really well. a good card.
Kessig Forgemaster Flip was a pain to block for my opponent. good card against creature with low endurance.
Arlinn Kord Flip did well. nothing spectacular, just a good card.
Moonlight Hunt is a Great removal.
Howlpack Resurgence is nice. won't play without it.
Silverfur Partisanis nice too. Worth it's slot as a 4 of.
Evolutionary Leap is a good tool against mass removal and such. Keep the creature flow constant.
Tireless Trackerwas not bad. drawback is, obviously, not being a werewolf and so not getting anything from her and howlpack or moonlight hunt. but card is ok.
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh Flip origin was fun. that's all I wanted from her. 1RR is painful though.
it's a bit late here and English is not my native language.I will make a more "refined" update on this later on my deck page
Werewolf T2
April 30, 2016 5:31 p.m.
Been working on this new deck if anyone wants to playtest it against their werewolf decks! Zombies! :D
Liliana's Gravepurge Churn (Budget -$30/-4TIX)
April 30, 2016 7:29 p.m.
Hey everyone!
I ended up in top 8 for Game Day with my deck! Thanks to everyone who helped. This is the board I ran with and my sideboard.
Gruul Werewolves with Removal - TOP 8 GAME DAY
clayperce's linked article was right. Build a deck that revolved around the strength of your deck... I focused on RED for REMOVAL and BURN.
There were 4 rounds swiss.
1st match - GW Tokens (2-1)
The MVP: Lambholt Pacifist Flip + Neglected Heirloom
For the life of me, I wanted to run with village messenger plus heirloom but on the first draw, I got 2 Pacifists and drew out a Heirloom on the 2nd round. By the third round, I equipped the Heirloom on the Pacifist for a 4/4 body. Swung for 4.
The next turn, she transformed for a 7/7 first strike. My opponent was
and had no answer for her except to flip her back again. I equipped the wolves with heirloom. He swarmed with tokens, but I killed them easily.
Pretty much, every time I won, Lambholt Pacifist was there. I lost the second round because I mulligan'ed due to no lands and ended up with one land on the mulligan. would've gone for 5 but at that point it was pointless so i just ran with it.
the third round was close, but i took control of things late game when Pacifist came out and just stayed on the defensive. Duskbreak Recruiter's ability for a cheap CoCo-ish trigger helped me filter through the stack easily. I killed his planeswalkers every chance I could get and forced him to trade with my big booty creatures.
Game 2: Naya Tokens (Seriously, what is up with tokens?) (0-2)
This was bad. really bad. I was not able to get my creatures out immediately for both matches. I was able to stall for a bit by burning the Planeswalkers but it just wasn't enough.
Second round, he had a nasty Radiant Flames and Dromoka's Command so Howlpack Resurgence was gone then Radiant Flames hit.
Game 3 WB Control (1-2)Control decks would've been easy but they're not for this match. The only time I won was with Lambholt Pacifist or Duskbreak Recruiter out and I was able to sift through with the latter.
He just went through my hand and discarded what he could with Thought-Knot + Eldrazi Displacer (yes it was a flicker combo)...
Game 4 GW Tokens (2-0) Seriously! I felt that this match, I had more control as I came out from the third match with the right mainboard for GW Tokens. I killed off his planeswalkers and forced him to trade bodies. I had 2 Howlpack Resurgence out and I just egged him on to trade with Lambholt, Duskbreak, and a Silverfur.
I ended up with 2 boosters for my participation. I backed out of the playoffs for top 8 because I had a sudden onset of vertigo. It would've been fun to continue, but alas...
My options from this point on:Because I now know what our meta is really like, I might go over to control as well, with a deck similar to this one: Zadafur Storm Recruiter. I may tweak it a little too, so next week I'll bring this baby to FNM...
Peace out everyone! Thanks for reminding me about the "guys" clayperce.
April 30, 2016 10 p.m.
Guess I'll update here.
Deck went top 8, but my friend was playing it not me. I chose to play blue white humans and ended with second (lost to bant coco, couldn't get a Hallowed Moonlight I sided in for my the life of me)
He seemed to be doing fair from what I saw, he misplayed a good amount but still managed to top 8, but then lost in quarter-finals.
After all that, I took a gander at snarlmkiv's deck and started to consider Neglected Heirloom over running Atarka's Command in mainboard..Seemed to fit in well, very well actually.
Nice find snarlmkiv.
April 30, 2016 10:31 p.m.
BlueEyes It seems that the wolves are consistent in top 8. I wonder how the others are doing.
Rasanck was the one behind the use of Neglected Heirloom, not me. :)
April 30, 2016 10:41 p.m.
Then thanks Rasanck lol
Wolves should hopefully be tier 1 with Eldirtch Moon and then we can blow up this chat with happiness.
April 30, 2016 10:43 p.m.
One can only hope so well with that.
It just so happens that my shop likes to net-deck and run $500 decks.
April 30, 2016 10:45 p.m.
Been running a deck that runs Neglected Heirloom for a while now.
Ashmouth Werewolf Tribal SOI
Would love some help on sideboard
April 30, 2016 10:49 p.m.
snarlmkiv almost all shops do that, specially with over 200 people. Kind of have too, but it becomes predictable and you can form a way to win because of it.
April 30, 2016 10:57 p.m.
Yeah BlueEyes... Agreed.
Which is why it's also easy to stand your ground with wolves.
I wonder how the others are doing for Game Day
April 30, 2016 11:06 p.m.
April 30, 2016 11:07 p.m.
clayperce seems to have done well with his deck during FNM but he didnt pilot it according to his last update...
April 30, 2016 11:13 p.m.
It happens,not every game can be a good game. Sometimes lands keep coming, mulligans happen and mana decides 2 is enough for a 3 mana curve deck.
April 30, 2016 11:17 p.m.
That i can agree to, and it happens to the best of us... Whether we're running a $25 deck or a $500 deck...
April 30, 2016 11:22 p.m.
For those who played with Hinterland Logger Flip, Lambholt Pacifist Flip & Neglected Heirloom, what do you think about these?
May 1, 2016 8:08 a.m.
Pacifist . Great body blocker for a 2 drop. Add in Heirloom and she can attack... If they flip, you got a 7/7 first strike body...
May 1, 2016 8:10 a.m.
Congrats on your Top 8!
Congrats on your personal #2, and on your Wolf deck making it to the Top 8!
Anyone else out there tear 'em to shreds at FNM or Game Day this week?
May 1, 2016 8:47 a.m. Edited.
Neglected Heirloom is just real nice in a heavy werewolf deck. Once it flips into Ashmouth Blade Flip it's GG. Gatstaf Ravagers a 6/7 for 5, equip Ashmouth Blade Flip you have 9/10 with Menace and Frist Strike by turn 6 if it all goes your way. Flash Howlpack Resurgence and you got a 10/11 with Menace, Frist Strike, and Trample. Westvale Abbey who?
May 1, 2016 8:50 a.m.
What i'm concerned about Asmouth is: my wolf flip, he Languish or Grasp of Darkness my wolfy, asmouth is on the battlefield. do I really want to pay 3 to equip it again?
May 1, 2016 11:13 a.m.
From experience,
Your creatures curve at 4 and spells at 3. By mid game you want to squeeze in as much as you can. The presence of free mana plus a creature with an unequipped ashmouth is to pressure the enemy...
May 1, 2016 11:19 a.m.
sad. no one played werewolves in my meta. i didnt play it either but i came 4th :)
i do like heirloom discussion! its very good.
May 1, 2016 9:36 p.m.
The presence of an equippable +3/+3 first strike weapon can make anyone shiver.
Lambholt pacifist with weapon? 6/6 first strikeGeier Reach with weapon? 6/5 first strikeSilverfur with weapon? 5/5 with first trampleWolf token with weapon? 5/5 with first strike
I can go on but Neglected Heirloom plus Howlpack Resurgence is just too crazy...
May 1, 2016 9:39 p.m.
Rabid_Wombat says... #31
Amazingly I made top 8 Game Day with my R/G Wolven deck.Westvale Wolven High
Luckily the night before I decided to "Bring the Hate" against Bant Company and the other top decks (in the form of x-burn spells) and not concentrate on the whole "Zadafur" combotasticjank. So I changed the deck (a lot).
Round 1: RDW Goblins- Lost the first game but this new deck is all about bringing the hate so after sideboarding out the Zadas for the Timberpack Wolfs and the Gobbos could not keep up. Avacyn's Judgment smoked the 1/1 Token blockers so a thrice pumped Ember-Eye Wolf could steamroll in for the win. Third was a near repeat of the second game.
Round 2: Mono White Humans- Lost the first game (again) this time due to pumped up, life-linked & flying heroic dudes. Sb'd in the anti-enchantment hate and the 3x Moonlight Hunt for the Zadas, 2x Vines of the Recluse and a Swell of Growth
. Second game every time he landed a peep it would get burned or Moonlight Hunted. Duskwatch Recruiter Flip 's ability allowed me to roll in with pumped-up firebreathing wolves for the win. Second game my opponent starts trying to stall by pile-shuffling (lol) but thanks to a first turn Village Messenger Flip followed by a turn 2 Village Messenger Flip combined with opponent doing nothing....they were both transformed, unblockable and swinging for hella early damage. A might of masses pumped Wolf Token turn 4 got the win - 1 minute before time was called.
Round 3: White Humans with a splash of Blue-
Got beat both games...found out early on the "splash of Blue" was for Reflector Mage so Silverfur Partisan and his wolf homies kept getting bounced -so annoying!
Natural State helped even the odds in the second game but an imminent wolven victory was denied by a turn 4 Archangel of Tithes.
Round 4: Seasons Past-
Game one went fast due to Ben getting hammered with Village Messenger Flip transformed on my turn 2 and a hasted, pumped up Ember-Eye Wolf -who I gotta say- acted like a total Boss all day. Highlight was a turn 5 Burn from Within on Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet Ben: "He really get's exiled??" Me: "Yep."
Game 2 Really felt like I was playing against a Modern deck...what the heck? The Wolven were so destroyed by Languish and Dead Weight etc.. Such was the utter domination for a minute I had to think "did I actually win the first match??"
Game 3 Went just like the first game- who says Aggro is dead in Standard?? A turn 1 Village Messenger Flipagainst a Control deck is a great start. Combined again with a pumped up Ember-Eye Wolf to swing in for 7 damage turn 4...but the whole time I was waiting for the axe to fall in the form of mass creature destruction and/or crazy jank combo. All was revealed after I swung in for the win, Ben showed me his hand containing 3x Languish- he only drew 3 swamps the whole game....
3/1 TOP EIGHT (W00T)
Round One. Bant Company-Game one it was my turn to be mana screwed- only drew forests for the entire game, no Mountain, no Game Trail not even a lousy Evolving Wilds and to make it worse the Bant player has a "God Hand" to start lol
Game two was awesome...really. The big mistake I made was targeting a creature with Burn from Within when that creature was not Baby Jace who came out the next turn (of course) but late game Westvale Abbey Flip transformed (3x Wolf Tokens and 2x Village Messenger Flip took one for the team!) into Ormendahl, Profane Prince Flip who promptly hit for the 18 point swing. Next turn Ormendhal was promptly bounced due to a CoCo'ed Reflector Mage. Good Game broski.
Salutations clayperce for without this Wolven thread I would have been in the bottom 8
Also major Congrats snarlmkiv on also making TOP 8!! :)
May 1, 2016 9:43 p.m.
Incase anyone is wondering if I got revenge at Game Day, day 2. I did, got my self a shiny new playmat. Third to the collection of Game Day mats.
May 1, 2016 9:46 p.m.
Rabid_Wombat Thanks! Congratulations on you too.
I think we now have a major trend going with the way the sideboard and spell mainboard should like past GD. Removals are the way to go for complete wolf aggro decks and a split between removals and pumps for zadafur combo.
I completely forgot about Burn from Within because it's a completely good card that sends any creature to hell (I'm looking at you, Archangel Avacyn Flip)
I will be making some changes to the deck by adding Evolutionary Leap to the sideboard. It's great for EOT and getting rid of your weak creatures (i.e. Village Messenger Flip past turn 6 or 7 that doesn't do anything anymore) and I'm thinking about Beastcaller Savant for the faster ramp (to side with: Kessig Forgemaster Flip)...
May 1, 2016 9:50 p.m.
BlueEyes I dont have a mat... But I will... someday...
May 1, 2016 9:50 p.m.
snarlmkiv: You will, also I have been trying to push people to play Evolutionary Leap so please do. It won me many FNM games and I am sure it will do the same for you.
May 1, 2016 9:56 p.m.
BlueEyes Yeah. But can you take a look at my deck real quick and tell which cards to swap out for Evolutionary Leap if I want to mainboard it.
Gruul Werewolves with Removal - TOP 8 GAME DAY
May 1, 2016 10:04 p.m.
What's everyone's take on True-Faith Censer for wolves?
May 1, 2016 11:36 p.m.
BlueEyes Yeah Evolutionary Leap really helped me. Thanks.
Hermit of the Natterknolls Flip took a removal and .. that's all. else it was a 2/3 for 3. I did not match against the blue and red/blue deck (R/U ended first and blue top 8), but I wonder if siding two of them is worth it.
May 2, 2016 7:14 a.m.
It's so awesome to be able to add three new items to the Hall of Fame:
GAME DAY (30 Apr - 1 May 2016)
- 1st Place: Baby I'm Preying On You Tonight (4-0 finally!!!) by BlueEyes
- Top 8: Gruul Werewolves with Removal - TOP 8 GAME DAY by snarlmkiv
- Top 8: Westvale Wolven High GAME DAY TOP EIGHT by Rabid_Wombat
May 2, 2016 9:25 a.m.
Thanks oh glorious alpha clayperce... One can only go so far without everyone's help
May 2, 2016 9:53 a.m.
Have just been discussing the merits of Burn from Within on another Wolves deck.
It's great to hold in hand, only using it early to mid game if need be, but trying hang on to it as a finisher.
Your Opponent is on their last 6 life. SIX Burn from Within TO THE FACE. GG
Another card I've been having an enormous amount of success with is Lightning Axe.
Most people only use it in Madness decks but it is an absolute hose in any deck.
People seem to be put off by the fact that you need to discard a card, but you can usually find one in your hand that you can live without.
5 to any Creature, at Instant speed, for ? Where do I sign up?
May 2, 2016 11:47 a.m.
Trying to get my image I uploaded on imgur to work on here for one of my updates..If anyone can help me make it proper that'd be great..I keep getting alittle box with no image on my update.. is the source.
May 2, 2016 12:55 p.m.
BlueEyes, is the whole web page on imgur; you'll want to include just the image itself:
<img src="">
P.S. Nice mat!
May 2, 2016 1:14 p.m.
If you watch the ManaSource on YouTube, he just uploaded a video talking about werewolf decks that run Ashmouth Blade Flip
May 2, 2016 5:33 p.m.
A G/R Atarka aggro deck that has great card advantage potential and quick kills. Old Fashioned hatred.
May 2, 2016 7:35 p.m.
Thanks Axinoim!
Here's the link to Wedge's video: R/G Werewolves "$20 Budget" Tribal Standard Deck Tech
May 2, 2016 7:41 p.m.
Thanks clayperce I was at work and couldn't link the video.
FizahJasni says... #1
MVP - Moonlight Vicious Pack
Standard* FizahJasni
I tried with dragons and angels. It didnt work out. I tried with zada and silverfur, zada keeps being targeted with rmoval spells. So, decided to go Full Aggro. Hope it works out on Game Day.
Any comments and help with sideboard is much appreciated. :)
April 29, 2016 11:22 a.m.