Ally Rally - Getting cheap WB Allies ready for Game Day
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 11, 2015, 4:25 a.m. by alanwescoat
My deck:
Ally Rally Playtest
I need helpful suggestions for getting this ready to be competitive for Game Day. The three playsets of rares between maindeck and sideboard I already own, and my budget does not generally allow me to purchase expensive rares or mythics. I need good suggestions for the shell and sideboard, hopefull restricted to commons and uncommons or to very cheap rares or mythics.
I play in an environment where most players walk into the most casual events with card-for-card duplicates of tier-one decks. I can count on needing to pilot this deck against the very best decks in the format, so this thing needs to sing as well as something on this budget is able to sing.
The concept is pretty straightforward. I spew out a bunch of weenie allies, get in some damage, hopefully drain and gain some life with Kalastria Healer, get my allies killed and hopefully drain and gain more life with Zulaport Cutthroat, enable recursion with Rally the Ancestors, and hopefully avoid exiling the recurred cards using Nantuko Husk.
Lifegain stalls fast aggro, and its combo-ish qualities means that I do not much worry about losing creatures to control, while it is capable of being quite aggressive itself.