Alt Wincon for RUG Tutelage
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 13, 2015, 5:38 p.m. by awphutt
So, I brewed up a standard deck, half Cuneo's UR Tutelage Control and half UG Turbofog from an SCG tournament a little while back, and it's super fun and decently competitive. I've only really had 3 issues with the deck: Mono Red, Ugin, and enchantment hate. The Mono red issue has been adressed, and Ugin is only really a problem when I'm at low life, but that leaves me with the last problem. It's mainly just enchantment hate + Den Protector that's giving me issues, since they just keep blowing up my tutelages until I've milled myself out with all the card draw + delve.
So, what I'm looking for is a win con that's immune to enchantment/artifact removal (since the two can be on the same hate card a lot of the time). Ugin, the Spirit Dragon would be my ideal first choice but he's slightly out of budget. So, I'm basically looking for a decent end game threat in RUG colours to finish off games. Creatures aren't ideal unless they're unblockable or deal damage outside of combat, since mostly my opponent has a horde of creatures out.
Currently, I'm using Tomod's Crypt (which isn't very good), Keranos, God of Storms (which would be great except it dies to the same hate), and Mob Rule (which, while hillarious, rarely kills someone with recurring it). So I haven't got any great options currently.
Thanks for reading.
Anger of the Gods is good for the agressive matchups, but doesn't really help as a wincon.
August 14, 2015 6:12 a.m.
A planeswalker? Sarkhan Unbroken is dirt cheap (for a walker) and a simple -2 gives you a win condition. Nissa, Worldwaker is also a good option.
August 14, 2015 6:26 a.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #5
For a deck like this you really need to go all-in. Having an alternate win-con is all well and good but not if it has absolutely nothing to do with the main plan of the deck. If you're having trouble with certain hate cards then I suggest countermagic. Negate, Clash of Wills, Dissipate, etc.
Kiora, the Crashing Wave may also be an option, since her +1 does help your main plan.
August 14, 2015 10:55 a.m. Edited.
The problem with a Planeswalker Win-Con is that Defend the Hearth (if you're using it) does not stop damage to PW's.
Otherwise, I would suggest Kiora, the Crashing Wave.
If you are using Radiant Fountain (less likely in a 3-color deck), Pearl Lake Ancient may also be an option.
Khanye says... #2
Anger of the Gods?
August 13, 2015 7:44 p.m.