Any good $40-$60 Artifact- only decks that can hold up in standard?
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 28, 2017, 10:26 a.m. by Knight_of_Aces
I found one that looks good and fun. How is it and can it be upgraded in anyway within the budget? I found this one by Zequen. Artifact Tribal. I can't get the deck link to work but it's easy to find under his All Decks section. Any color is fine but I prefer Black or Blue. Thanks for the help. I appreciate it.
zephramtripp says... #3
February 28, 2017 10:41 a.m.
Knight_of_Aces says... #4
zephramtripp Ya. The one you listed was the one I was referring to. Something like that in Black or Blue preferably but I'm good with any suggestions. Or if this build is OK then I'll use it or can/should it be upgraded with in budget.
February 28, 2017 11:54 a.m.
Izu_Korasu says... #5
tribal decks in general have trouble in standard due to the limited card pool, and a budget makes that a bit trickier. because artifact is less of a tribe and more of a powerhouse in standard so the best cards are expensive due to play in top decks (ex. Walking Ballista)
id say the most powerful of the artifact centric decks are either the grixis colossus deck/the grixis improvise deck, or the WB tokens deck that focuses on servo production and death triggers.
if you want a strictly artifact build (the the one above, almost devoid of instants/sorceries ie-non-artifacts) then you may have trouble competing with decks that play counters/removal. (needs Sram's Expertise, foundry assembler can be swapped for Angel of Invention)
but i could see modifying the mtg-goldfish mono-white servos deck or using it as a resource in the mono-white build, because it feels reasonably viable.
but if your looking for an FNM type deck, almost anything can work (ive seen a person go 3-1 with a deck they budget modified from a sealed event)
February 28, 2017 4:49 p.m. Edited.
Izu_Korasu says... #6
as for the colors liljramos88's budget U/B improvise Deck seems like a solid start in that colorscheme, and at $41 fits well within the budget and allows for some upgrades, but as the name states its less focused on artifact tribal and more around Improvise (which is what the blue/black color scheme is great at)
February 28, 2017 4:56 p.m.
Improvise, aetherflux resivoir, sram aid, Metel work collosus, and mechanized production are the things you want to research
March 7, 2017 9:10 a.m.
darklinglion398 says... #8
I'm a little late getting to comment here but there is a great u/b artifact deck that's main goal is essentially storming with Aetherflux Reservoir that saphron olive (not sure if that's his name) from mtg goldfish did a youtube video on. It's not super competitive but it holds up pretty well at my local fnm, is super fun, and is fairly cheap if you substitute out Fatal Push or already have a playset.
March 11, 2017 10:22 p.m.
Alec@Bazzelle905 says... #9
I found a very fun cheap deck to play was mono blue or URMetalwork Colossus you have cheap lands like Sanctum of Ugin and Inventors' Fair. You also run a cheap base of cards like Key to the City, Prophetic Prism, Metalspinner's Puzzleknot, Cultivator's Caravan, Hedron Archive, and Foundry Inspector and you run stuff like Glint-Nest Crane to smooth out you'r deck as well as spells such as Unsubstantiate and Reverse Engineer to keep tempo and get to metalwork and running 2 Elder Deep-Fiend did wonders. this was a buget deck I ran and 4-0 multiple FMN's with. good match up against Snakes, delerium, and control decks. I went Blue red though when I realized I needed sideboard for Copy Cat as well as Aggro such as Spirits and Vehicles in the form of Incendiary Sabotage and Shock and I only added Aether Hub and Spirebluff Canal and that made my deck far more competitive when I played gameday and tied for 1st twice only loosing to a spirits strategy one day and 1-1-1 a Jeskia control. The deck is very fun you get to drop 2 10/10's turn 5 essentially free consistently and because simple destroy target creature spells arent as popular(ie fatal push, and direct damage) the typically survive. fun, flashy, and cheap.
zephramtripp says... #2
The deck you linked may not be the one you wanted to link. It appears to be a Modern deck, when this is the Standard forum. To link a deck properly, make sure to use the entire deck slug instead of just the deck name. Check the formatting tips for more details.
February 28, 2017 10:40 a.m.