Any Ideas for JUND ELDRAZI for Standard
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on June 12, 2016, 12:05 a.m. by ldrago626
I have been building all types of eldrazi decks that people wont think of trying like Sultai Eldrazi, Grixis Eldrazi, and Eldrazi Aggro. After all those deck i have built, a jund version of an eldrazi deck came in my mind and i was wondering if anyone has any ideas for me on help making this deck?
Triton says... #2
I'm thinking an aggro build based on getting out tokens with cards such as Scion Summoner (who is literally a more beefier Skyspawner), also Sludge Crawler and Reaver Drone for the early drops. Vile Aggregate is also amazing if you are planning on going with token generation since he gets humongous mid to late-game.
As for non-creatures, I was thinking From Beyond, which is also a good token generator, while slow, left unchecked it can be powerful. Not to mention it tutors Eldrazi cards. Swarm Surge is also a very powerful finisher card.
These are the ideas I can think of off the top of my head. I too also happen to play Grixis Eldrazi (also aggro) and an have a blast using it personally.
Hope these give you ideas!
June 12, 2016 12:24 a.m.