Any recommendations for my Izzet thopter/clues deck?
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on May 24, 2016, 12:44 a.m. by scottyboy76567
Clues, Thopters, and Spells, oh my!
I've been playing with a very very budget version of this deck, and I've decided it might be a time to give it a upgrade. I own one of's of the more expensive cards, but I'm looking for suggestions of cuts and adds, main and sideboard, to make it competitive for a FNM.
strictlyWorse says... #3
This is waaaaaaaaaaay too slow for standard.
Hedron Crawler is probably the best card here for mana rocks... the other two are OK in EDH only, but in standard you're dead by turn 4, waiting for your Hedron Archive to be playable. 2 mana for a artifact creature that taps for a CL is the best you can hope for in this format. it's nowhere near as good a Sol Ring, but not a lot of things are.
i actually don't think thopters will be a thing again until Kaladesh comes out, and by then we lose Origins, which... well... what's the point?
don't get me wrong: i am a man who loves his thopters... but... if i had to accept that i will never be a rockstar by the age of 20, because i am almost 37 and it hasn't happened yet, then i should have an easier time accepting that thopters, while fun and hilarious, are not going to be viable in standard for a while.
that said; i did make a "Horsemanship Thopters" deck in EDH once, and it was goddamned awesome. the only reason i don't have it together any longer, is that i needed parts to build my "bouncy castle" EDH deck, and this was before i was using Pucatrade to get rid of my garbage rares for EDH parts. for some reason, no one wants to trade with me around here, so i have to find people online to do that with. maybe it's because i have 37 Living Lores in my trade binder... h'mmm
of course... i am the worst player ever, so... do what thou wilt with this opinion.
Wutmeworry says... #2
Deinitely take a look at my deck
Weeping Thopters
Standard Wutmeworry
it started as an izzet build revolving around Aether Grid. Then as a Temur build, and now it's back to Izzet. Completely different deck.
I would drop down to 2 Tamiyo's Journal. I tried running three but got tired of having two in hand with one on the field. It's a legendary so it really restricts its use.
Thraben Gargoyle Flip can be replaced with man artifacts like Hedron Crawler or Seer's Lantern Maybe a Hedron Archive. You wanna get as many artifacts out on the field to use for the grid. And it also helps Thopter Spy Network trigger independently of Thopters.
Ongoing Investigation is a great card. Kinda the aggro cousin of Trail of Evidence have you tried experimenting with both? I feel like, maybe, you run the danger of running out of Instants and Sorceries if you don't get a Trail of Evidence out early. Maybe 4 of would help.
Your creature base should be full of Thopter buddies. Whirler Rogue is cheap and is the blue cousin to Pia and Kiran Nalaar.
You probably won't be attacking with Thopters unless you manage to swarm the field. And even then you might be torn between using them as aether Grid material or attackers/blockers. You have a lot of options. Hope you csn get some ideas from mine.
May 24, 2016 6:12 a.m.