Approach of the Second Sun Decks

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on June 21, 2017, 1:50 p.m. by Slowgod

With the banning of Marvel I've been considering getting back into standard. UR Control, Jund (gods) or Metalwork Colossus all interested me, but I just noticed this deck on Mtgtop8 and it seems really sweet. Added bonuses, it's 67$ for the entire thing on tcgplayer, and only 2 cards are gonna rotate! I just copied the exact decklist here to make it easier to look over and get some sample hands. Anybody have any thoughts or experiences with this kind of deck?Approach of the 2nd Sun

Edit: OK just noticed the other combo wincon using Faith of the Devoted I like this deck even more now!

Argy says... #2

A five colour deck in Standard? Personally I don't think that will be very consistent, especially since it doesn't have mana fixers like Attune with Aether, Servant of the Conduit, or Cultivator's Caravan.

Three colours can be done, or four colours if one is , but I'm skeptical that you could make five colours work.

June 21, 2017 4:36 p.m.

Slowgod says... #3

Yeah, but the red and black are so barely splashed it doesn't even matter, I think it mostly just wants to cycle and survive long enough. I'm thinking of trying a straight UW version (which costs almost nothing) and then probably adding green. With just UW/g you can add some counters, spot removal and sweepers. Green would probably just be for a bit of mana acceleration and those Haze of Pollens

June 21, 2017 5:17 p.m.

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