Best Removal for Tribal?
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 12, 2015, 12:44 a.m. by MrXilas
Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out the best way to balance removal, non-removal, and creatures in a tribal deck. I want to do Mardu Allies and I would love some tips on how much removal would be good without impeding the flow of creatures. For removal I was thinking Murderous Cut, Draconic Roar (or whatever the new lightning strike is), Valorous Stance, and/or Crackling Doom (to deal with those pesky Eldrazi). Any any ideas? For non-removal I was thinking 2 March from the Tomb and maybe Retreat to Emeria. Clearly somethings have to go.
Maybe I should change the question a bit. In general, how many units of removal should be in a tribal deck?
September 12, 2015 1:49 a.m.
JKLawson89 says... #4
I think you're asking what a good ratio of removal to creatures in your Mardu allies deck? I think it depends and yes, I agree with assinater13, you might want to wait to see what your deck has problems with. Personally, I like Crackling Doom, but I think that the best removal going forward for Mardu will end up being Utter End, but that's just me. I like it because its flexible in the manner of getting rid of really big stuff, it doesn't destroy so it takes out Erebos' Titan, it gets rid of Deathmist Raptor, Den Protector, Ugin, etc. it keeps cards out of the grave basically, plus it takes out the pesky enchantment decks, and Sphinx's Tutelage among other things. If your deck tries to just spam the board with allies, I could see you playing cards like Languish, or Eyeblight Massacre along with Alesha, Who Smiles at Death, which I personally like going forward with the 2\3 for 2W that gives your allies Lifelink.
asasinater13 says... #2
first enough of the set has to be spoiled for us to know where on the curve removal will fit and what kind of removal is necessary (is valorous stance good in the meta, will draconic roar kill the creatures your deck cares about, etc)
September 12, 2015 1:10 a.m.