Best sideboard cards for Aetherworks Marvell deck
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 28, 2016, 10:07 p.m. by Wiktul
I'm having some hard playtesting against meta full of Spell Queller, UR flash, Spirits, UG aggro, etc. Here's my idea of best sideboard cards for the deck based on Aetherworks Marvell, I hope to see your ideas.
2x Sphinx of the Final Word - clearly control-hate card, sided instead of 2 (1/1) Emrakul / Ulamog, so it can't be countered by anything different than Summary Dismissal during it's cast from Marvel or even long, boring game agianst controll when opponent is doing nothing through 22 turns just drawing counterspells and waiting for us to play / hit Marvell.
4x Tears of Valakut - only reliable answer to Spell Queller that just ate your Marvel / Ulamog / Emrakul. Of course, Rattlechains or Selfless Spirit are still big problem here, but that's why I'm running 4 copies of it in the sideboard and still I can't see better option to defend ourselves. What is more, it also takes down Smuggler's Thopter and Avacyn. Three most dangerous flying finishers, usually in heavy or at least slightly control-oriented decks - seems fair enough for me.
2x Incendiary Sabotage - stronger than basic Kozilek's Return, can't be countered by Ceremonius Rejection, works great against spirits when Tears of Valakut are answered by Rattlechains or another Queller and opponent gets tapped-out to do so, kills zombies DEAD.
2x Demon of Dark Schemes - quite the same as Incendiary Sabotage, with 5/5 flying body that ramps energy and allows quite cheap reanimation of Spaghetti Titan from our graveyard or anything from opponent's graveyard. I've killed zombie deck with all Amalgans and 2/2 swarms on the board, twice.
2x Dispel - counter-wars
2x Negate - counter-wars, Fumigate, Stasis Snare on Ulamog / Emrakul, Transgress the Mind on our hand with Marvell, Fragmentize, planeswalkers etc.
1x Summary Dismissal - best option for mirrors, Aetherflux Reservoir, Dynavolt Tower, planeswalker's ultimates etc.
Wiktul says... #2
Well? Anyone playing Aetherworks Marvel deck? :)
October 30, 2016 8:24 a.m.