How Much Removal is Too Much? Black Graveyard Recusion - Standard
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 30, 2020, 2:14 a.m. by 77hi77
I've been playing this in Standard on MTGArena:
Wake Me Up Inside - Graveyard Edition
My big question is, how much of the deck should go to countering other decks? The two most common decks I'm running into are either White or White/Black life gain, usually based on Impassioned Orator and Hallowed Priest, or the decks that stack mutations. In both cases, I find I have to kill the creatures while they're still small. Life gainers build a swarm of huge creatures and I suddenly find myself unable to contain them, mutations get so many disruptive effects that I don't have an answer. So how much removal is too much and how much should I focus on just playing my game?
A previous version of this deck had 13 removal cards, I felt like that was taking focus away from the main objective so I made this one. Is there a balance to hit between disrupting other playing styles and playing your own game?
It'll help get comments if you can put the card list into a deck on the site, so we can see CMC and cards at a glance. Click the folder icon or Deck Builder and then New Deck, and you should be able to just copy-paste what you have above.
November 30, 2020 12:13 p.m.
abby315 got it, thanks! I've edited the post now to ask my specific question and leave deck help to the deck post.
Caerwyn says... #2
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November 30, 2020 2:16 a.m.