Brewing allies with rally... it's double rally!

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 30, 2015, 12:59 a.m. by ComradeJim270

Someone gave me this idea after listening to me gripe about BFZ after prerelease. Now I want to do it.

I'm building a version of Abzan Rally that uses a bunch of ally triggers to drain opponents' life and/or make Veteran Warleader a massive beater.

Sadly, it has not been easy. Abzan Rally will be slower without its Theros/M15 components, and while I'm able to replace a lot of the creatures fairly easily I've had a lot of trouble making the mana base work properly (fixing is an issue) and getting the exact right mix of creatures.

The deck feels very slow to me (to be fair, I play elves in Modern so most standard decks do) and can take a long time to hit its win conditions. I'm thinking of adding some Collected Company to speed things up.

Switching colors (probably to Bant or Esper, because blue) isn't out of the question if I hear good ideas on how to do that. Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time would certainly help me find my win conditions.

Anyway, suggestions on tuning this into something I'd actually want to bring to FNM are very welcome!

Double Rally Playtest

Standard* ComradeJim270


EmblemMan says... #2

If you switch colors you have to change your whole game plan essentially, at least the drain one which I think is the better one you can do with allies. I would consider collected company to help get your pieces maybe instead of evolutionary leap but I definitely think what you have here is fine and not really to switch out of the colors because this is one of the better game plans for allies.

September 30, 2015 7:57 a.m.

ComradeJim270 says... #3

Yeah, that's why I haven't even experimented with changing colors yet. Bant cuts off far too many options, the only one I see even potentially working is Esper.

Leap is important as a sac outlet too, which is critical in a reanimator deck. I may run both it and Company as two-ofs because I agree fully that it will speed things up. Speed is in fact my main concern here. A combo-based deck really, really shouldn't be this slow. I'll frequently be dead before I ever get what I need to go off.

September 30, 2015 11:19 a.m.

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