Bring Back Mono Blue Aggro in Standard
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 20, 2017, 10:23 a.m. by Az_Cotic
Hey, I want to create a competitive Blue Aggro deck in standard and this is what have til now Mono Blue Aggro Standard
My idea is have an aggressive mono blue deck, I don't have restriction except I don't wanna depends on artifacts.
Actually the deck has a FNM level, but I think it has potential.
I need help with suggestions and Sideboarding primerly, especially against top8 decks like Mono Black Zombies, Ramunap or Grixis-Jeskai Control and constricted.
Thanks a lot.
Jabber2014wocky says... #2
K first off, it's never good to make your deck out of 1 of's 2 of's and 3 of's. Your deck needs to be consistent, so maybe drop some unnecessary creatures and spells to make the majority of your spells 4 of's. TBH I don't think this deck has any potential regardless of how you edit it. Mono blue aggro has no place in standard. Why add mosoleum wanderer if you only have 7 spirits? Also rattle chains is 99% useless in many scenerios except chump blocking. If you want you could try to turn this deck into red/ blue Thermo-Alchemist which is what I did but your not going to go far at all with this deck so I wouldn't invest money in it
August 20, 2017 10:37 a.m.