Budget 4C Panharmonicon Sideboard

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 31, 2016, 1:13 p.m. by ducttapedeckbox

I'm currently playing WUBR Panharmonicon on MTGO. The list is very similar the Seth-better-known-as-SaffronOlive's stream list from a week or two back. The most notable change is my removal of green - I found it to be counter intuitive to play green to ramp to play back into WUBR, so I cut out the middleman.

My current list is here:

I need some help with the sideboard. I haven't experienced any notable issues with it thus far, but I haven't been using it much - mostly the Fumigates and sometimes Ceremonious Rejection/Negate. What sideboard tech have you found to be very effective?

Note that this deck is about as budget as it can get- running only about 15 tix- I'd like to keep it around there.

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