Budget Compettetive Aggro needs advice
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on June 9, 2015, 6:01 p.m. by troyfunk
Point taken, I Didn't know competitive meant expensive or contained certain cards. I'll change that. I did look up other bant heroic decks and I think mine brings more of the unblockable element with Elusive Spellfist. Also all the others cost at least $40 which is double the cost of my deck. And I think $20 is within everyones budget even if they got more to spend so I'll keep that the same. I appreciate your honesty though.
June 9, 2015 10:33 p.m.
I wish that competitive didn't mean expensive.. and in a void, it wouldn't. It just ends up being that the best cards are in higher demand and end up costing more.
If you wanted to make some changes, I think you definitely want the last Ordeal of Thassa. I also think that Ajani's Presence would be good as it gives a +1+1 counter and indestructibility. Both of those should be very inexpensive. Gleam of Authority and Abzan Falconer are probably your worst cards. Gleam because it leaves you open to a removal spell and the falconer for the same reason. You can't afford to tap the falconer, and while his static ability is nice, he's very likely just going to eat a removal spell, and you don't want to waste a protection effect on something that isn't going to get a counter.
June 9, 2015 10:40 p.m.
I know Abzan Falconer is not great. That's why the deck only runs two. I don't know of a suitable replacement though. I've never had to use his outlast ability. By the time I can play him I always have at least one creature with a counter. If he eats a removal spell it's not a big deal. He's more of backup plan if I don't draw Aqueous Form or if they have a flyer. I do have Ajani's Presence in the sideboard. I love the indestructible but the strive cost can be a little hard to meet. Plus I figured that not all removal destroys. Like Bile Blight, or Banishing Light. Protection from that color will still save your creatures. I got negate sideboarded for boardwipes as well. Ill think about a 4th Ordeal but I don't what I want to take out. Do you this will perform well at FNM it's my wife's first deck.
June 9, 2015 11:39 p.m.
I think the ideal game plan for heroic is to get one creature out early, turn one or two, and spend the rest of the game making it bigger with protection spells that target.
The strive on ajani's presence isn't irrelevant, it just isn't going to come up more than once ever fifteen games. They should definitely be main board.
And I think you'll find that if you have eight protection from color spells and four indestructable spells, you won't need four copies of aquaeus form. You'll just be able to punch through creatures anyway.
I'd suggest looking up "Tom Ross Bant Heroic" in google to get an idea of what the deck should ideally look like, and base your deck around that.
June 9, 2015 11:55 p.m.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #7
The plural of hero is heroes, not heroe's.
Your deck link is no longer valid, and I can't find any decks on your profile. Try linking it again? Are you re-making it?
kyuuri117 says... #2
Not trying to be rude, but I am going to be blunt. Your deck is not competitive, as far as the competitive standard format goes. It might be competitive against other home brews, and it might even win some games against the current tier 1 decks, but in order to call your deck "competitive" you need to actively run the known power cards of the current format.
"Competitive" means that you are giving yourself the best chance to win given what you are attempting to do. Doing that requires playing the best cards you can for your archtype. Doing that requires you to spend money, and thus, not be "budget". The very nature of a "competitive" deck goes against the nature of a budget deck.
Your deck looks like a spin-off of the W/U or Bant "heroic". The deck is already pretty inexpensive, maybe you want to have a look at one of those lists.
As a side note, "budget" itself does not mean cheap, as everyones budget for mtg is different. I think the word you were looking for is either "thrifty" or "inexpensive".
June 9, 2015 6:58 p.m.