Budget upgrades to x2 Armed & Dangerous clash pack deck
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on July 16, 2015, 1 a.m. by nobodygaming
So while I fully expect the value of Collected Company to drop after this releases, I was able to pre order 2 clash packs for a great price compared to the Austrlian RRP. So I figured why not gut CoCo from both decks and use the remaining cards to make a fun mid-tier Abzan deck. Looking at the card quantities available to me in 2 clash packs, I'm pretty happy going full Siege Rhino + Bolster strategy, but could use some common/uncommon recommendations to focus the deck further.
I'm pretty sure I already have a couple more Rhinos + Sandsteppe Citadel in my spares. But really I'm wondering if there is anything else in black worth playing? I've never made a tri colour deck before, but committing to Siege Rhino is making me wonder if I should do anything else with black outside of maybe a set of Ultimate Price
nobodygaming says... #3
Alright I've finally gone through my small box of spares, and while I was right about a pair of Siege Rhino and Sandsteppe Citadel I also found some decent 1-off and extra bulk that might work with the clash packs
So if I use those I have full (or near in some cases) playlets in addition to the following singles I'm considering
I would say that list is in order of most desirable to use to least, but what would anyone do with these options?
July 16, 2015 8:24 a.m.
I think that you have the base of a good deck. However, my only advice for now is not to play Incremental Growth or Dromoka's Gift because they are a little overcosted and rely too much on having creatures on board.
buildingadeck says... #2
Abzan Charm is pretty good. Languish is a great sb card. Murderous Cut and Tasigur, the Golden Fang can also be pretty good depending upon how many instants you're running.
July 16, 2015 1:11 a.m.