Help with Budget UR Thopters
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 3, 2016, 2:59 p.m. by clayperce
My Thopter deck, Izzet Thoptorzz (OGW Standard), is coming together nicely, but I'd still appreciate your thoughts and comments in a few areas:
- Is there a better 5- or maybe 6-drop than Goblin Dark-Dwellers, to quickly turn the tables when I'm behind?
- Is my sideboard mix looking about right?
- What do you think about abusing the ETB effects of the deck's most powerful cards, via Flameshadow Conjuring or maybe even splashing for Eldrazi Displacer?
Thanks tons!
I had an amazingly successful Thopter deck when Origins hit.
I had hid it, but I've made it available again for you.
Unfortunately a lot of the cards that made it tick have rotated out.
I started off with a UR build, but after a lot of testing it became apparent that a Mono-U version worked better.
I got rid of Pia and Kiran Nalaar in favour of more Whirler Rogue as she gives a bit more value, IMO.
Mine had a sub-theme of having Unblockable Creatures.
I used early control in the form of Clash of Wills, which I mostly Sided out for what would now be Void Shatter. That combined with Claustrophobia was enough to take care of annoying threats.
I especially like Claustrophobia as it lets you choose what threats to nullify, and you don't have to get the timing right like you do with Counters.
It also deals with Indestructible Creatures.
I prefer Dimensional Infiltrator over Mist Intruder, due to the greater flexibility it gives.
I would personally go with Rogue's Passage over Foundry of the Consuls. Thopter Spy Network should be spitting out enough Thopters for you. Imagine equipping one with Stoneforge Masterwork and then making it Unblockable. Game over.
Those are my initial thoughts. I'll do some playtesting and then give you more detailed feedback.
February 4, 2016 1:14 p.m. Edited.
Thanks so much for re-opening your Thopter deck. Happy to provide an opportunity for a stroll down memory lane! :-)
Yeah, Pia and Kiran Nalaar is definitely worse than Whirler Rogue for this deck, but they're close enough I'm keeping it as a one-of. As usual, the Vorthos in me is beating out the Spike ...
I had looked at Grip of the Roil early on, and even Encase in Ice for my Sideboard, but I never even thought about Claustrophobia. It's a great card, and I've found it super-oppressive whenever I've played against it. But I'm thinking Scatter to the Winds is better as a three-drop, because it can hit Planeswalkers too. Of course I've got those Clash of Wills now, so hmmmm ...
Definitely worth thinking on; I'll have to get back to you on that!
Great call on the Rogue's Passage! I love that card in EDH, but I've only seen it as RTR and C15! For whatever reason I never cracked one in Origins, so I didn't even realize it was Standard-legal! Derp!
As always, thanks TONS!
February 4, 2016 5:45 p.m.
You're welcome.
It's lovely to be able to help you after all the great input you gave on my EDH deck.
February 5, 2016 1:15 a.m.
The deck is coming together nicely, so I edited the header to reflect my remaining questions.
clayperce says... #2
Mornelith, trentski80, Skipzmcgee, D.Bauer338, runemas3, Tunichtgut, thejadefalcon, Argeaux, and hoodlum13,
Tagging you because I've drawn inspiration from your Thopter and Prowess decks. If you get a chance, I'd love your thoughts on what I've built (so far) over at OGW Standard UR Thopters.
No worries if you can't check it out; you've already been very helpful! Seriously, anything good in the deck is probably thanks to you ... the bad, of course, is all on me! :-)
So thanks!
February 3, 2016 5:56 p.m.