Building my first deck!

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 6, 2015, 2:15 p.m. by Lofavreel

Hey there,

I'm quite new to all of this, but after some reading, watching and playing, I felt, it's time to build my first very own deck!

So here it is:

Landing Hydra Playtest

Standard* Lofavreel


I like the idea to get out some huge creatures, too strong to hold on against.

My favourite for that is Mistcutter Hydra, since she is uncounterable.

That being saied, I searched for a way to get there.

What I came up with was this elemental-play.

But isn't it all far too slow? Zendikar's Roil comes up in the 3rd turn, if I am lucky. So elementals won't be much of a help before 5'th or 6'th turn..

And I have no early threads to bait some counterspells. That would make it hard for my expensive cards to get into the play, wouldn't it?

Just leave some thoughts about it,I'd love to read your advice!



TheCouchPotato says... #2

Hydra tribal in standard, cool idea. Most devotion decks splash red for Dragonlord Atarka. I agree that Zendikar's Roil is probably a bit slow for constructed. Maybe Whisperwood Elemental?

August 6, 2015 4:21 p.m.

Lofavreel says... #3

Well, I think, I will try something with red attached to the green next week. But that won't be anything with Zendikar's Roil, I guess. But I still like this card, so I will build two decks:

One for the big creatures and one for the elemental army.

But until then I will have a nice weekend on the beach ;)

August 6, 2015 4:29 p.m.

Argy says... #4

You can use the age old strategy of ramping into Mistcutter Hydra using Elvish Mystic, Rattleclaw Mystic, Voyaging Satyr, Sylvan Caryatid or even Golden Hind (most people don't like that last card).

For early threats to milk out Control cards you could use Sedge Scorpion. If they choose not to remove it, it can be annoying. Although they can first strike or fly right over it.

Hope you had fun at the beach!

August 6, 2015 10:30 p.m.

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