B/W Orzhov Control Deck Needs Help

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on May 1, 2016, 9:50 a.m. by Valentine35

I've never really played a control deck before but i really wanted to use Demonic Pact in the past but it always lent itself to a U/B control deck which im not a fan of, then i saw Angelic Purge and figured i could get value out of a rarely used card in the format and start some cruel control. Only problem is ive never played control before, so before i test this thing out, anyone have any suggestions?

Deliver us to Evil

EmblemMan says... #2

i have been testing demonic pact since before soi officially released this is my list its been pretty good i chose to play less creatures and more planeswalkers as win conditions so their declarations and removal is dead. You need more draw probably 2 more read the bones because you will not draw removal for you pact enough trust me. You mentioned pick the brain in your description transgress is better i promise i would also play 4 purge because anguished unmakings life loss is a lot sometimes and you dont want to cast too many of them and purge is the main way to get rid of pact. you also NEED more land especially with 2 dark petition because if you tutor for a purge you need 6 mana plus you have a high curve in sorin and avacyn and you will need more land especially with as little draw as you have. Thats what i got for now goodluck

May 1, 2016 10:44 a.m.

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