B/W warriors sideboard

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on July 26, 2015, 12:32 p.m. by ComradeJim270

So, I've fixed the mana base problems I was having with my B/W warriors deck. I'd like to have a look at the sideboard now.

Off to War! Playtest

Standard ComradeJim270


Here's what I've thought of taking out:

  • Stain the Mind: I don't think I've ever sided this in. I'd only use it to hit sweepers, and don't want to convoke with my guys.
  • Utter End: Too slow.

Possible additions:

  • Duress, Thoughtseize: At worst, good recon. At best, gets rid of things that would throw me off my gameplan. I only own one of the latter card right now.
  • Ultimate Price: Cheaper to use than Hero's Downfall when up against other fast decks.
  • Spear of Heliod: An anthem with a nice bonus.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Information on matchups I've had so far are in the deck description.

Goody says... #2

Hand disruption like Duress is a must. Ultimate Price is good.

Secure the Wastes is nuts against aggro and control decks alike - play it after attackers are declared against Elves or Goblins, you get to trade with their best 1 or 2 toughness creatures; hold it in hand against control and you can almost guarantee a board presence after a boardwipe (unless they hold up counter-magic), especially if you were holding up a Chief of the Edge or Brutal Hordechief or Sorin, Solemn Visitor.

Self-Inflicted Wound is great against Abzan decks. Celestial Flare might be good since your deck leans towards white more than black.

Spear of Heliod might be good but if you're playing it for the offensive bonus, your other pump effects are better. If it's the toughness you care about, that's a dangerous game to play because going from 2 to 3 toughness is negligible against Anger of the Gods and Languish. I'd recommend against it

July 26, 2015 2:49 p.m.

ComradeJim270 says... #3

Good points, Goody.

You recommend hand disruption very highly! I'd almost want to run it mainboard, but it's not good in all matchups.

I've thought a lot about Secure the Wastes, but at the times when it would be most useful I'm often leaving mana open for instants and abilities. I'm not sure how I'd change the deck to incorporate it more fully. As it is, Athreos, God of Passage makes board-wipes rather unpleasant for control decks already, but it'd be good against other aggro decks.

Abzan decks haven't been a problem, it seems like a favorable matchup more often than not. I agree with you on the Spear.

July 27, 2015 12:57 a.m.

Goody says... #4

Well, Athreos is good against normal boardwipes, but useless against Anger of the Gods. If you're having trouble with the card, I'd recommend replacing Athreos with Secure the wastes.

As for hand disruption,mainboard Thoughtseize is viable, but not Duress. I run 2 seize main, 2 board. The reason it's so good is because it gets rid of their boardwipe or Dig Through Time or whatever and allows you to play with full information. That's very beneficial for aggro decks since it's a risky proposition to flood the board, but equally risky is playing too passive. Knowing what you're working against helps making decisions tremendously.

FYI, I don't think Infinite Obliteration is a good card. The only time it will be good is when you play hand disruption beforehand and get a creature out of their hand as well as their deck; even then it's situationally better than a Thoughtseize but costs 3 mana. Just think about it - the vast majority of games that you win will end on turns 4-6. That means they will draw 4-10 cards from their 60-card deck. You're paying 3 mana to ensure they don't draw a certain creature without affecting the board or even their hand, usually - when they already have fairly low chances of drawing said card in the first place. Even naming Siege Rhino will do less than holding up Hero's Downfall. Naming Deathmist Raptor may do more than using Downfall, but even that's not faster than using Downfall and attacking for the win on turn 4.

July 27, 2015 12:09 p.m.

ComradeJim270 says... #5

There's no doubt in my mind that Athreos wins me a lot of games. I'll test it with Secure the Wastes though; I do need a plan for rotation since I'm not likely to replace many cards in here with BFZ stuff. I just don't intend to keep up with the format so I'm working with what I have already.

Yeah, if I get another Thoughtseize I may very well MB it. I don't have one right now.

These "exile everything with that name" cards are super-situational. I've almost never used them for the very reason you mentioned. But in some control matchups it actually would have been very useful and I would have been able to cast it. Even if I whiff it I get to see what answers they're holding. I don't expect it to be relevant outside these grindy matchups I sometimes get into. I've noticed this deck tends to last much, much longer against control than anyone would expect.

Maybe I'll pick up a couple more Thoughtseize next month, though. That's a modern staple, so I'd be fine with buying a few while they're relatively cheap.

July 27, 2015 12:24 p.m.

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