Can someone make my deck decently competitive?
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on March 27, 2017, 2:34 a.m. by ALX
I don't play Standard anymore but I want to play this deck just once as I spent a lot of money on it (before realising that I'm much more of an EDH man!)
I'm not sure what I need to swap out for the current meta but I'd like to have fun, by which I mean, at least have a chance of winning or at least casting Kozi's Return off of a Deep-Fiend :)
Any advice?
I don't know if I will be able to help a whole lot, as I am still new to the Standard format, but what seems to be the main issue with the deck right now? Too slow? Not consistent? Has trouble generating a Win-con? If we can pinpoint the main issues with the deck, maybe we can come up with ways to work around them?
March 27, 2017 2:23 p.m.
I haven't even played with it yet. I know that sounds ridiculous but I don't get a lot of free time anymore (hence no longer continuing with Standard).
It seems to me that the main issue though would be the creature heavy list with control spells like board wipes. I'd like to balance that somehow but the idea is kind of the play tempo/midrange and the creatures are largely utility and once they have come in and done their thing they can die happily enough.
It's really about trying to control the game until Avacyn or Deep-Fiend can win within a few turns after blowing up the board/setting my opponent back too much for them to come back from.
March 27, 2017 6:03 p.m.
Hmm... Well a good way to keep tempo, and lower the power level of board wipes would definitely be ETB effects. Or cards that do things on death (similar to Filigree Familiar). Maybe Baral's Expertise? It would slow them down and help build extra temp for you, casting more of your spells for free. Also could bounce some of your ETB creatures if need be.I don't know how easy Delierum is for your deck to achieve, but if its easy enough, Topplegeist can help you with more control. Essence Flux can be used to protect the key creatures in the deck from board wipes, as well as trigger more of you ETBs you have plenty of. For control against Aggro decks (especially token aggro decks) Declaration in Stone is great. Eerie Interlude could save you from board wipes as well, and hit the ETBs.
I don't know if you want to play around with your ETBs as much as I am thinking, and I apologize if I missed the mark, but a lot of your control seems to come from ETBs. Hope that helps?
I'll let you know if anything else comes to mind
ALX says... #2
Oops! Forgot, here's the deck: Jess & Kai
March 27, 2017 2:36 a.m.