Counterburn Sideboard Tech
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on July 7, 2015, 11:34 a.m. by ducttapedeckbox
I've been playing this list at FNM recently, and have gone 2-2 both times. Both times I possibly could have gone 3-1 but got mana screwed in 2/3 games. I'm looking to perfect my sideboard to deal with the meta, which consists of:
- Mono-red Aggro (this is everyone's go-to list if their other list isn't built. It is also my hardest matchup) (3-5 decks)
- Den-Mist (1-3 decks)
- Esper Dragons (0-2 decks)
- Abzan Control (0-2 deck)
- R/x/x Aggro (whatever's left)
Control is essentially non-existent in my meta (as it is in the overall Standard meta). I can deal with most of the midrange decks, but things like Bant Heroic and RDW massacre me. How can I improve this matchup?
I've removed Disdainful Stroke from the mainboard in favor of a third Anger of the Gods and a second Nullify. I've sided a playset of Circle of Flame, so my sideboard now consists of:
- 3 Roast
- 4 Circle of Flame
- 4 Disdainful Stroke
- 2 Monastery Siege (likely to be cut)
- 2 Negate (eh)
I appreciate any help on the sideboard, any suggestions on how to play these matchups, or any suggestions in general. I'm considering a black or white splash to help deal with aggro board states and Impact Tremors, so thoughts on that are also appreciated. In case you missed the deck link above, here it is again:
LOL NO (UR Counterburn) Playtest
ducttapedeckbox says... #3
@ 8bitMick -- I was thinking that, but for the same CMC I can run that new black card from Origins, name Tremors, and get rid of them all.
EDIT: Never mind, that's creatures only. Aw.
July 7, 2015 12:09 p.m. Edited.
Lol. I know what deals with Impact Tremors because I have a Dash deck and everyone I play with targets them first.
TeeKayBee says... #2
If you add white splash, definitely use Banishing Light. It will deal with all the pesky enchantments like Impact Tremors.
July 7, 2015 11:44 a.m.