Deck for GP
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on March 11, 2018, 2:21 p.m. by TUMTUM
So for the GP, I want to play blue-black control. here's the thing, I don't want to cheap out on the deck, but I also don't want to spend 100 $ on a creature suite. I instead replaced that with different creatures in my version. The rest of the deck mirrors the shell , though there are somethings that I am caught in a crossroads with. My sideboard seems a bit weak, any suggestions. Should I mainboard Commit / Memory over Consign / Oblivion and should I use one more Hostage Taker over Gonti, Lord of Luxury. I would love to see your opinions thank you for reading and please check out my deck and have a nice day!
Argy says... #2
Keep Commit / Memory over that other card.
The Aftermath lets you shut down God-Pharaoh's Gift decks in particular, and can also remove Torrential Gearhulk targets from your Oppoent's Graveyard, as well as making Angrath's ultimate next to useless.
I prefer Gonti, Lord of Luxury to Hostage Taker as they both die to a stiff breeze, but if Gonti dies you still get to cast the card it Exiled.
Also Gonti can rip a Hexproof Creature out of your Opponent's deck, or an Approach of the Second Sun if you grab it when it is in the top four cards.
March 11, 2018 4:46 p.m.