Deck Testing
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 7, 2018, 5:32 a.m. by SlackMiller2100
How do I test a deck I just built on here? The only way I've found doesn't give me an opponent, so that doesn't really help. I'm looking to try it out against some usual Standard decks even if I have to play myself. Help very much appreciated.
If you're going to use that way of testing, you might as well use some free online magic copy, such as cockatrice or xmage. THat way you get a visual board as well. Might work better for you, or not, but is worth a shot.
As for me, i usually goldfish to check if the mana curve is alright, if my colour req. are met, if i have answer x by turn y at the latest, etc. Playing against other decks where I control them, will skew my decissions one way or another. You can't prevent that.
February 7, 2018 6:27 a.m.
SlackMiller2100 says... #5
True that as far as bias goes, and I do "goldfish" as you call it to help with mana curve etc. Right now I'm trying out a deck that was built by TheManaSource on Youtube because I'm just getting back in to MTG after leaving back when Lorwyn was coming out. So the curve seems to be right. I just need some help with the sideboard and seeing how it'd stack up against some current standard decks before I actually go out and spend money on it. Thanks for the suggestions. Also if you have any suggestions check out the deck.
February 7, 2018 6:38 a.m.
The other great thing about playing both decks when playtesting is that it gives you tremendous insight as to what plays your Opponent might make, so you can learn to prepare for them in game.
Here are some current meta decks you can test against:
jademus74 says... #2
I usually open a second tab with another tappedout page. Pick out any Standard deck you want on the second tab and play test it, then just switch between tabs. Its awkward at first, but you get the hang of it. I usually pit two decks of mine against each other when I can't decide which one to buy.
February 7, 2018 5:45 a.m.