Developing a Sideboard Plan

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on July 7, 2016, 10:32 p.m. by ducttapedeckbox

I've been working on my Mardu Control list, which I will be playing in paper for the first time tomorrow night at FNM. I attended last week and borrowed a deck, and was able to get a sense of the local meta (at least of the players that were there). I was hoping to get some help developing a plan of what to side out in some of the matchups as I am still relatively unfamiliar with the format. Some of it will be obvious, but I will probably miss something. Any help with the 75 is greatly appreciated too :)

Deck list:

Meh, Standard

Standard* ducttapedeckbox


Additional sideboard possibilities:

Meta knowledge:

  • 3 Ramp (one typical took 3rd, one with Goggles that took 1st, one oddball)
  • 1 GW tokens
  • 1 White Weenies (maybe, GW Token's second deck which I played and took 2nd)
  • 1 Bant CoCo
  • 1 BR Vampires
  • 1 UW Clues/Thopters
  • 1 UR Thopters (4th)
  • 1 Mardu something
  • 1 GB Delirium

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