Devotion help for 1K Invitational Qualifier

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 13, 2015, 1:01 p.m. by alexthegreat38

Hey all,

I've been playing Devotion for only a few weeks now, but I've made the Top 8 in 6 of the 7 events I've taken it to, and made it to the final in two of those. Needless to say, it's been going pretty well for me, and I'm hoping to take it to the next level at the 1K Star City Games IQ that's happening at my LGS this weekend.

I expect a competitive metagame: probably loads of Abzan, along with other devotion decks, mono-red, and probably Ensoul Artifact as well. If you could give me any suggestions on how to improve my deck for a competitive meta, that would be awesome!

Hydras and Dragons and Hornets Oh My! Playtest

Standard alexthegreat38


I also have a few specific questions:

  1. Does Ugin, the Spirit Dragon belong in the mainboard? I find myself brining him in in nearly every matchup.

  2. What about Hornet Queen? Every time I play the deck, I consider cutting the Queen for another Dragonlord Atarka, but every event, Hornet Queen always comes through in some way that Atarka couldn't have. Thoughts?

  3. I know Logan Mize will be there, so I should probably have a plan against Heroic. What do you think the best way for my deck to deal with heroic would be?

Thanks in advance!

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