Eldritch Elves

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on June 30, 2016, 8:21 p.m. by HorridBEAST

Elves was never a tier one deck, but it was a lot of fun... until Chord of Calling rotated out. I think that Eldritch Evolution can fill that slot and make elves a fun deck again. Right up until someone casts Languish

Sacrificing any creature other than a token can search out Shaman of the Pack and even the tokens can be sac'ed to get any 2 drop in the deck. If you really need a damage boost and/or reach any 2 drop can be sac'ed to get Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen or if you need to refill your hand then sac that useless Elvish Visionary to grab Sylvan Messenger

What do you guys think?

Eldritch Elves

Standard* HorridBEAST


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