EMN Standard Brew: Bant Superfriends

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on July 7, 2016, 12:06 a.m. by MagicMike77

Even with all the people saying it's stupid and wait till the whole set is out I can't resist brewing with these new cards.

EMN Bant Superfriends plays off of the best SOI standard deck G/W tokens but adds blue to get access to a couple counters, Narset, the new Tamiyo, and while running 12 Planeswalkers we can run Walker CoCo aka Deploy the Gatewatch. This gives a great build that has such great ability to play against any deck. We can control the game with our good amount of spells and with Walkers such as Narset, Jace, and Tamiyo keeping our hands full. Nissa and Gideon are in here for the board presence and the beat down. Being able to have multiple walkers means multiple angles to attack out opponents and we also have great early game creatures.

Overall I just want you guys to take a look at this deck and see what you think! Can't wait to hear y'alls advice!

tpmains says... #2

I'm brewing up an Esper Superfriends deck that uses Avengers Assemble, aka Deploy the Gatewatch. I wanted to use black instead of green for Sorin, Grim Nemesis, Ob Nixilis Reignited, Liliana, the Last Hope, Murder, and Languish. I think WoTC is pushing for more people to use plainswalkers so I think the superfriends decks will actually be pretty viable.

July 7, 2016 12:42 a.m.

MagicMike77 says... #3


After minimal testing this deck can get stupid dangerous fast. A Tamiyo, Narset, or Jace Ult can pretty much seal the game for you and then if they are continual attacking those Walkers Nissa and Gideon will make you pay.

Just seeing what I can do after a Tamiyo Ult made me want to cry tears of joy. Ulting Gideon playing another to Ult it then playing Seasons Past and making Narset Rebound it is stupid broken and I ended up with 5 Gideon Emblems so my Nissa Plants came out as MONSTER POTATOES!!!

Can't wait to playtest it more and to see your Esper deck as well.

July 7, 2016 1:26 a.m.

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