Enchant Control Thoughts and Ideas

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 29, 2016, 5:13 p.m. by Lukecifer

I've tested this against Abzan Mid-range, U/R Prowess, landfall, W/G counters, Four-Color Rally.. all these I seem to do well against.. others are even shocked on how well the deck does..but...

I REALLY NEED HELP WITH SIDEBOARD -- the mainboard is strong against creature decks.. played a 8 creture control deck and I just had fun with it.. my main problem is none creature decks (ramp/mill) and I don't know what to sideboard with it... would be great to get some thoughts and ideas..

U/W Enchant Control (Sideboard help)

Lukecifer says... #2

/bump before work - looking for any thoughts

January 29, 2016 6:29 p.m.

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