Esper gearhulk control
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 15, 2016, 10:16 a.m. by Temeraire1798
My deck:
Esper Gearhulks
SCORE: 1 | 113 VIEWS
An Esper variant of Gearhulk Control
A bit of background, I have been looking at playing on and off for about a year, buying a couple of budget decks and playing a few FNMs, but no life has cleared up and rotation seems a great time to get in properly
Its looking to hold of the opponent until the gearhulks can hit the ground trigger there ETB effects to make a path, and finish the opponent,
I have tried to use a variety of cards in each role in the deck, Draw, Discard, Removal, Counter spell the planeswalkers each also add to that - so far Lillian isnt included for budget reasons but can clearly be very strong, Gideon, ally of Zenidkar and Dovin Baan also look like they might have a place.
I am looking for advice on the cards chosen and their ratios (is there to much removal and to little card draw for example?)
There also seem to be a lot of tapped lands but I guess that cant be helped in three colours.
Sideboard,Here I am looking for both help with card section and also if the general ideas I have of when to bring in what are correct
Ruinous Path- comes in against walker heavy decks
Gonti, Lord of Luxary against spell based decks (in place of removal)
Kambal, consul of allocation against spell based decks (in place of removal)
Flaying tendrils against aggro decks (in place of counter spell?)
Planar Outburst - against aggro decks (in place of counter spell?)
Negate agsinst burn or control decks (in place of removal)
Fragmentise against artefact or enchantment heavy decks (in place of removal)
Maybe board,Things that look fun to try
Would Kalitas trigger off the Cataclysmic gear hulks sacrifice effect?
Giesla, flying vigilent lifelinker whats not to like no really synergy though and not sure what would come out
I wonder if the benefits: card draw, counter spells, are worth complicating the mana base and adding more tapped lands