Firesong and Sunspeaker
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on April 4, 2018, 1:10 a.m. by vasarto77
On paper it looks OK to me so far, but when I tried doing it in the play test on this website, I either never EVER have land in my opening hand or draw any, but my sunspeakers are consistently turn 20 or all on the very bottom. I tried for 10 minutes of clicking the restart button and its consistent.
I also see almost nothing in dominaria that compliments the creature or is any good, so most of this is isoxilan and hour of devastation.
So what do I do?
OK. I will keep that in mind. Thanks, for some reason I feel firesong is gonna be way better in modern, at least until the second dominaria set comes out, because I cannot find any instant or sorcery spells that gain life that are really good in standard which is what 1/2 this deck needs to be.
April 4, 2018 4:15 a.m.
There is no second Dominaria set. After this it's Magic Core Set 2019
April 4, 2018 6:55 a.m.
vasarto77 you are looking at your Instant and Sorcery spells the wrong way for Firesong and Sunspeaker.
So, Lightning Strike does 3 damage to target Creature or Player.
If Firesong and Sunspeaker are on the field they take that 3 damage and turn it into life gain, so you also get that 3 damage as lifelink.
April 4, 2018 9:20 a.m.
multimedia says... #7
Hey, when looking at card interactions with Firesong in Dominaria Jaya's Immolating Inferno with Azor's Gateway Flip and Squee, the Immortal stands out. Inferno also has nice synergy with Neheb, the Eternal's mana making ability.
Sanctum of the Sun is the land that can make tons of red mana to pump into Inferno. The amount of land that you can make is equal to your life total. With Firesong you gain life with red spells and you're most likely playing other white spells that gain you life, your life total will be high. Gateway can be a two drop which can then be a draw and loot engine for a color combo that lacks this.
Squee can be exiled by Gateway and then cast from exile the same turn or before you want to cast Inferno. Since Squee is legendary this lets you cast Inferno without needing Firesong in play. Firesong also lets you cast Inferno, but Squee can hide out in exile and with red mana from Sanctum can be cast first from exile and then Inferno on the same turn.
Wizards has already said that Inferno can only target a single player once not three times which is a bummer, but still as a mana sink with Sanctum you can do a lot of damage to your opponent and if they have creatures or a Planeswalker do damage to those too.
Chandra, Torch of Defiance also seems very good in a deck with Firesong mostly because her +1 can help to ramp them or Neheb into play. Chandra's also very good with damage sweepers Sweltering Suns and Hour of Devastation.
April 4, 2018 9:41 a.m.
I'm not sure Firesong and Sunspeaker will be better in Modern than in Standard. While, in Modern, you have access to Lightning Helix (9 damage and 6 lifegain with Firesong in play), 6 mana is far too expensive for what you get. Here are the problems I see with the card in Modern:
Burn does not need this card--it should already have won by the time you can cast Firesong.
White and Red's ramp options are extremely limited. You are unlikely to cast Firesong until turn 6 at the best.
Firesong requires you to have a hand full of burn spells on turn 7--that's not feasible in White and Red, particularly in a burn deck where you tend to hemorrhage spells.
Firesong messes with a burn deck's curve. Burn decks have low curves, allowing them to run fewer lands, maximizing their chances of drawing a burn spell. If you need to hit a land drop every turn, that's going to deeply cut into your victory plan.
Overall, this card seems like it was designed for casual EDH, not for 60 card constructed formats. It has a nifty ability, but the mana cost is just far, far too high for more competitive environments.
April 4, 2018 9:46 a.m.
vasarto77 I should have mentioned one other thing you can try.
The algorithm was REALLY playing havoc with my deck earlier today.
What I did to fix it was add an off colour land.
After you start the game, search for that land and put it into Exile. If it's in your opening hand, put it into Exile and draw another card.
For some reason that makes some decks play a lot better.
Argy says... #2
Sometimes the algorithm for playtesting on this site is broken.
Two solutions are:
Exit out of the playtester, then reopen it.
Add a card to your deck, such as an extra land. Save the deck. Remove the card. Save the deck. For some reason that will reset the algorithm.
At the end of the day, playtesting with real cards is always better than on this site.
April 4, 2018 2:43 a.m.