Fling Combo Help

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on May 1, 2017, 12:12 p.m. by TheRiddler

So for the upcoming months before rotation I've put together a little combo-control deck as seen here:

Fling Combo

Standard* TheRiddler


My question is, how do I make the control aspects better without requiring a super greedy/expensive manabase? For the lazy, it's a control deck with a combo finish in Fling and Crackdown Construct, getting boosted by Wandering Fumarole. As it stands it's mainly a bunch of burn spells and Thermo-Alchemist to act as a boost to them and a win-con aside from the combo. Thanks in advance!

Well, considering your main win-con, you mainly want to prevent non-creature spells from interrupting the combo. I don't think you'd be as concerned with creature spells.

You could add Negate to help alleviate some of those problems. It's not double blue or 3 CMC like Void Shatter or Disallow, even though that means it has a narrower range of targets. However, I don't think that would be a problem with your deck. You would have enough burn to keep most creatures in check (after they hit the field), and Negate can deal with literally everything else (before it hits the field)

May 1, 2017 12:27 p.m.

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