Flog a dead drake (Haven)
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 18, 2018, 1:25 a.m. by ExtraEasy
So with Temur and rumunap taking a backseat it seems that ixalan tribals, mardu, UB control, bw cycling/approach and aggro red and black are all on the cards! Exciting times! http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/article.asp?ID=14395&writer=Seth+Manfield&articledate=1-15-2018
I haaaaated playing my grixis drakes against ramunap and i bailed into modern but now its drake time.
What do drakes offer that flat ub controll doesnt? If you can be brave enough (or aware enough?) to go shields down turn 3 to make your Haven you become much more efficient for te rest of the game using your open mana that youve been saving for interaction that didnt happen or happened cheaper than you expected to make drakes. It efficiently enptys your mana and it self draws through cycling like a house fire. Because of te increased draw from all the cycling you can get away with a slightly a lower land count- MAKING SPACE FOR THE HAVENS! Win win right?
I think Ill probably have to shave off the Torrential Gearhulk and pump my land base and instants after some testing but fingers crossed for Drake Haven- UB Easy!!
Check it out. Give it a test and let me know where u think te glaring holes are!!!
Thanks for reading