FNM Budget deck needs help
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 3, 2016, 1:40 a.m. by Daywalker8602
Budget deck that I put together. New to Magic and don't have the money to drop on fetchlands or Gideon so I'm wondering if I can get by at a FNM with this. Thanks! 4-Color Allies
Gorgosaurusrex says... #3
You should not run a four color deck without fetchlands. The mana is too inconsistent. I would drop all red lands, Firemantle Mage, and Munda, Ambush Leader. Then you'd be running Bant Allies.
I'd cut down the number of land to ~24.
You need better removal. Valorous Stance, Silkwrap, and Stasis Snare are all good choices.
I would put Negate in the sideboard, not the mainboard.
I would recommend B/W as the best colors for budget allies thanks to Zulaport Cutthroat, Drana's Emissary, and Kalastria Healer. The rest of the deck would be disruption/removal such as Duress/Valorous Stance and a few cheap allies. Maybe give that a shot if you haven't physically built this deck yet.
Hope that helps!
PhenaxGodOfDeception says... #2
You might want to lower the number of lands this deck seems sorta aggro even if not that aggro 27 lands is just too many even if it was a control deck you wouldn't want 27 lands
February 4, 2016 5:37 p.m.