Game Day : How should I side against these ?

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 5, 2015, 5:05 a.m. by N4pht4

Hi everybody. I'm looking forward to be saturday , to finally take part in my very first game day ! Since it's my very first, I'm kind of nervous and I'd like to be well prepared for this event. So here's my question : I'm planning to bring this deck

#1 Abzan Cuntroll Playtest

Standard N4pht4


I know it's a bit "outdated" since you don't see this kind of decks anymore on mtgtop8 but it is still efficient enough IMO.

Do you think the main/side is alright ?

How should I side against :

  • Mono red (new version) ?
  • Jeskai ?
  • UR scissors ?

I've never played against these new decks, and I'd really be grateful for any enlightened advices you could give me. At least I'd stop worriying so much!

Many thanks in advance, and have a great Game Day !

I see your sideboard is already solid as it-is, so it's up to the person's preference and the meta in your LGS

August 5, 2015 5:47 a.m.

magnetcrocodile hit it right on the head!

Mono Red = GAIN LIFE, Stay alive until they run out of resources, and then wipe your butt with their crappy cards. Arashin Cleric is also another decent life gain creature that also provides a decent goblin token blocker.

Jeskai = Just cheap removal is key and Dromoka's Command really shines here! Jeskai already has a hard time beating Abzan, as long as you have some cheap interactive spells (Ultimate Price, Bile Blight, Dromoka's Command, etc...) and can hold some Command's for the proper moment, you shouldn't have an issue.

UR Scissor = This deck isn't even that good. It has some quick power to it, but it is a deck that heavily relies on the right cards being in your hand at the right time. Here Dromoka's Command and Thoughtseize are your best friends.

Other decks to look out for:

Anything with Collected Company! CoCo can kind of really hurt an Abzan build due to it being an instant that can be played after a sweeper. My suggestion is...Low drop, high value creatures, and cheap interactive removal...your Hero's Downfall's aren't that great here.

U/B or U/W or Sultai Control: This match up might be a little harder for you because they run BLUE (counterspell magic) but just using very good threats like Tasigur, the Golden Fang, good planeswalkers like Elspeth, Sun's Champion and a ton of hand disruption like Duress and Thoughtseize, you should be fine. Also, if they are running the artifact build with Thopter Spy Network, Bile Blight is your friend. Bile Blight is still a beast mode card in the meta right now and is very underplayed.

Other aggro: Just gain life, and use cheap removal, and then let your big threats take them out.

August 5, 2015 6:04 a.m. Edited.

N4pht4 says... #4

Thanks a lot for your help magnetcrocodile and UpperDeckerTaco. I thought Virulent Plague would be a good sideboard card against RDW and UR Scissors but neither of you did mention it. Should I take it out for some Thoughtseize or anything with lifegain ?

August 5, 2015 7:48 a.m.

spyroswiz says... #5

You should expect a lot of mono red aggro and ur scissors. Put removals and cards that gain you life ( Nyx-Fleece Ram and Arashin Cleric are good against these decks ).

August 5, 2015 8:02 a.m.

Virulent Plague is a good 1 of that would be a decent choice. But don't bring it in against every red deck because some red decks out there are built around the dash mechanic. So it's strictly a situational card. And it is good against opposing Elspeth tokens and Thopters.

August 5, 2015 8:27 a.m.

CheeseBro says... #7

Revoke Existence is good against Hangarback Walker because your opponent gets no thopters.

August 5, 2015 9:18 a.m.

N4pht4 says... #8

On the other hand, with Virulent Plague opponent gets his Thopters but they insta-die. What bothers me with Revoke Existence is that's not instant-speed !

August 5, 2015 9:51 a.m.

CheeseBro says... #9

August 5, 2015 3:19 p.m.

I'll be running 2 Erase in my sideboard to deal with a variety of cards. Ensoul Artifact will be played for sure but I expect to see at least 1 each of Demonic Pact, Whip of Erebos, and Jeskai Ascendancy decks. It's also great against heroic decks.

You probably don't need any dedicated enchantment removal besides Dromoka's Command though. Abzan Charm and Valorous Stance deal with Ensouled creatures well enough if you can't deal with the enchantment itself.

August 5, 2015 3:54 p.m.

MenacingBunny says... #11

Always keep one or two Hallowed Moonlight in your sideboard for Jeskai tokens and all of the CoCo decks.

August 6, 2015 3:47 p.m.

anfauglir says... #12

I agree with most of the good advice you've had above, but I would drop Virulent Plague completely and use Drowns and Blights, which are better in more MUs.

I have been playing AzAggro for a good while now, and the only other thing I would say is that I found it better to lower my tap-land count to 8 and drop Temple of Plenty completely - Access to black is the key for a lot of MUs after boarding. I would drop the swamp and run Urborg for the same reason.

I would also underline the whole 'life-gain' thing, and not just for RDW... I went from 1, to 2, to now 3 Sorin in my 75, and I would not change back... He ruins all kinds of plans...

August 6, 2015 4:01 p.m.

Ohnoeszz says... #13

I tend to agree with 3 of Sorin.

I don't think you should have any problem against RDW simply because of your low drop creatures and Dromoka's command. If I'm wrong, look into Nyx-fleece ram in the side as it ruins their tempo and doesn't die to a lone stoke or firecraft except post combat.

Coco decks could be an issue as they can put more threats out than you. A couple Hallowed moonlight in the side would be good (also helps with raptor/den protector sultai which seems good against you). It also prevents the rally combo.

Utter End seems like a worthwhile card here. It fits nicely on your curve since you have lower drop creatures to invest in.

Rakshasa Deathdealer can be tough for control to handle because the regenerate and pump ability can screw with the timing of their spells.

Dragon Hunter out of the side would let you aggro with a 2/1 1 drop while stopping Ojutai.

I'd consider a 1 of back to nature in the side. It wins games vs constellation which otherwise could present a problem.

Virulent Plague is great against goblins, jeskai tokens, elspeth control, thopters.... Keep or drop depending on your meta.

August 6, 2015 5:14 p.m.

N4pht4 says... #14

Many many thanks to all of you for your good advices, I'll rebuild my side so it should be more consistent. Unfortunately, I don't have Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth but I'll ask a friend if I can borrow it for tomorrow.

August 7, 2015 4:57 a.m.

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