Game Day Results
Standard Deck Help forum
Posted on May 1, 2016, 9:45 p.m. by BWIFL
So Game Day is over and I would like to know where everyone is leaning with the new standard. So I would like everyone to post their deck and give a few reasons why they played it. I played Abzan Aristocrats and I played it because it can deal a ton of damage late game and early game with cards like Nantuko Husk and Zulaport Cutthroat.
I played UW Humans. I played it because it's fast. It seems to fold if the opening hand doesn't win against anything equipped to play the long game. Specifically Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, Languish, and Radiant Flames all make UW humans crumble. I will be playing UW midrange from now on.
May 1, 2016 10:25 p.m.
nobodygaming says... #4
I was also UW Humans, and my results were pretty solid all round. Beat control every time, was 50-50 against my bant company matches. Only deck that was a guaranteed loss was R/B/x decks due to access to good early 1 for 1 removal spells. Taking a pair of Kolaghan's Command while building board state is back breaking if humans don't have clues to crack by turn 3.
Saturday had me going 3-1-1 (opponent agreed to tie since we were both in top 8 by that point, he then beat me in top 8 elimination and went on to win the playmat). Sunday was a clean 3-2 but due to more players at Sunday's event I missed out on top 8. Saturdays meta was pretty healty, less than 25% of the field was in bant company and top 8 was varied in decks. Sunday was a little nuts with 5 more players yet half the field seemed to be playing ramp variants. I played against R/G goggles, R/G Eldrazi, and a G/W Eldrazi.
May 1, 2016 10:37 p.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #5
My deck of choice is of my own creation and I have yet to drop a game with it. Went undefeated without dropping a game this past Friday and went undefeated without dropping a game today.
I came up with this deck because I realized, there are much smaller creatures being played in the format. And if you can control the board and present threats that can generate good advantage or win the game on their own, you're going to have a good day.
The main purpose for this deck: Thunderbreak Regent and Draconic Roar
These cards can make up for some reach and heavy damage without even attacking. So how'd I expand on it...
I went R/G first. This was good, but lacked the removal and it happened to have a very slow early game so it couldn't hold up to the aristocrats and humans decks. So...onward I went.
Then I went to R/B, but it was missing resilient threats. Red was capable of dealing decent amounts of damage, black had removal, I had no resiliency. Continuing onward...
I thought about R/U and R/W, but if I was to play R/U, I was probably just better suited to play R/U Goggles. Then I looked at R/W and I wasn't super thrilled with the white creatures in the format (mono-white creatures that is). The removal for white was there, but then again, black seemed to have instant speed removal and just a better variety of removal. So...what about R/X/X decks...
Mardu and Jeskai and Temur have rough mana bases, so I basically just gave up on those. It has occurred to me that the Shards (esper, jund, naya, etc...) are having easier mana bases to work with than the wedges (jeskai, mardu, temur, etc...). On to the Shards...
I looked at Grixis, Jund and Naya. Now, I'm found of all three but more so found of either grixis or Naya out of the three. But Naya didn't have all the best removal and grixis seemed to not have the resilient threat base, plus I didn't want to buy Jace's. Then I looked at Jund and because Jund is an archetype in modern, it has a misconception that it has to be a control deck with a few win-cons. Which made me think, which green deck is better...
Naya or Jund...well, Naya allowed for white weenies, Declaration in Stone and Archangel Avacyn Flip and Secure the Wastes along with Dromoka's Command. Seemed reasonable. But upon looking at it, I wasn't too thrilled with Needle Spires being my manland. Though it's good. It isn't all that impressive with that 1 toughness and even with Sylvan Advocate, it can still be easily removed and dealt with. Which turned me to Jund. I tested the R/G, liked the resiliency of it, tested R/B, loved the removal it had, so why not put them together.
Jund Dragons: now how did I want to sculpt this deck...
I really like the card Sin Prodder because it let's you see cards and is a way to either deal damage so you can close out games rather quickly, or gives you extra cards per turn. Then I wanted Sylvan Advocate as a good early or late game board presence. I continued this process with each card. Then I wanted something that put my deck over the top against control builds...Planeswalkers! Let's play a lot of them. 5 in the main because Ob Nixy is phenomenal so as a 1 of main deck, he's very good. Because against aggressive decks, seeing multiples is not as good. Chandra, well that's a card that needs no explanation. And then Arlinn...this card is NUTS! I rarely want to use the 0 ability to put a wolf in play unless it's my only real option to make. But her +1 on her front side is frigging boss! And her Ultimate is easy to get to. Her flip side is something you can work toward if your opponent let's you amass a big board state. So overall, I'm just really impressed with her.
Last card selection...I was deciding what dragon to play at the top end: Dragonlord Atarka or Dragonlord Kolaghan...
DA is good and can swing games very fast...but after looking at the meta, most decks are running a TON OF 4 ofs, so DK's lesser known ability comes up quite often. AND, DK gives our team haste and has haste itself. Plus, DK works very well with Arlinn.
So there you have it, how I came up with the deck. Why play it? Because it has enough removal to handle aggro decks, threats that are generally better than other midrange decks, and resilience and threats that can make control shake in their Boots.
May 1, 2016 11:33 p.m.
- I went 4-0-1, (Intentional Draw Last round) At my gameday securing my spot in the top 8 with Mono-Red Eldrazi, In the top 8 I played 3 white humans decks in a row, And ultimately got second place, Won about 20 packs tho so it was totally worth it
- I played the deck becuase it's a great deck, and super fun to play
Mono-Red Eldrazi (SOI)
SCORE: 1 | 179 VIEWS
May 1, 2016 11:42 p.m. Edited.
I went with monowhite humans, a pretty aggressive build. I went 2 wins, 3 losses. My loss games were all 1/2, my wins were both 2-0. When I exploded 1-drop, two 1-drops, Always Watching or Thalia's Lieutenant, I was pretty unstoppable. Red players were pretty much able to keep the board clear and not let me get anywhere.
May 2, 2016 2:28 p.m.
I'm a huge Werewolf fan, so even though I wasn't able to take a deck to Game Day, I was super-pleased to see BlueEyes take a #1 spot on Sunday with this beauty:
Baby I'm Preying On You Tonight (Game Day Inside)
May 2, 2016 2:35 p.m. Edited.
Thanks clayperce :), kind of funny though how I won with a tier 2 deck and got second with a tier 1 on Saturdays :|
May 2, 2016 2:43 p.m.
I went 8-0 for the win using LSV's BG sacrifice list. Westvale Aristocracy [Gameday 8-0] (I added a 4th Westvale Abbey Flip because reasons and my sideboard is tuned to my local meta)
I ran it because I really like the calculating play style. I also like how difficult it is to stop if your opponent doesn't have much interaction. Heck, it's got so much value that even interaction heavy control has difficulties stopping aristocrats. (At least, post sideboard)
DrMooKdaSues says... #2
I didn't do too hot at my shop, 2-2. I didn't like the deck I was playing because I cut the third color cause others advised it but the FNM the day before I played this Grixis, Shard of the Sinners and it did well, not tremendously cause I was only 3-2 that night but I'm not use to winning three matches. Lol.
I play Grixis Control because it matches up well with what I'm playing against most times (Esper Control, Bant Company, R/G Ramp). It's removal is super relevent to all creatures and since I have so much of it I'm flipping Thing in the Ice Flip at the right times I need it to. Sin Prodder is also a great card cause it can do some mean tricks in play, so it's forcing people to get react to it. The planeswalkers are also super heavy hitters that are always at least doing the #1 thing I need if it sticks around for just one turn.
I'm hoping to do better next week and I hope you do well with your deck. I don't think we have Abzan players in my area. Lol.
May 1, 2016 10:21 p.m.